Octavio Ortiz Arrieta

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Pedro Octavio Ortiz Arrieta SDB (born April 19, 1878 in Lima , Peru , † March 1, 1958 in Chachapoyas ) was a Peruvian religious and Roman Catholic bishop of Chachapoyas .

Live and act

Octavio Ortiz Arrieta grew up in the Rímac district of Lima. As a student he often prayed in the chapel of the first Salesian convent in Peru, close to his parents' house. That's how he got to know the community. He worked as a carpenter, as a shoemaker and as an electrician. In 1900 he joined the Salesian Congregation. This made him the very first Peruvian Salesian. He was ordained a priest on January 27, 1907 .

Ortiz Arrieta was appointed bishop of Chachapoyas on November 21, 1921 and ordained bishop on June 11, 1922. He held this office until his death on March 1, 1958.

He was and is greatly venerated by the believers of the Chachapoyas diocese because of his unshakable faith and his way of not isolating himself from the believers, but rather being among them and praying. As a bishop , he distributed the grant he had received from the state among the poor. One of his main concerns was education, so he founded numerous educational institutions during his time as bishop.

Octavio Ortiz Arrieta's tomb is in the west wing of Chachapoyas Cathedral .


The seminary in Chachapoyas as well as schools and other institutions in several cities in Peru are named after him.

Beatification process

On December 22nd 2001, after a long examination by Emiliano Antonio Cisneros Martínez OAR , at that time Bishop of Chota and diocesan administrator of Chachapoyas, the initiation of the beatification process for Ortiz Arrieta was announced. On October 3, 2003, the diocesan acts were declared valid. On February 27, 2017, Pope Francis granted him the heroic degree of virtue as a preliminary stage to beatification.

See also


  • Cosme Robredo: Monseñor Octavio Ortiz Arrieta . Editorial Salesiana, Lima 1988.
  • Eugenio Pennati: “Una perla de salesiano”. Mons. Octavio Ortiz Arrieta, sdb, Obispo de Chachapoyas . Editorial Salesiana, Lima 2003.
  • Jorge Atarama Ramírez: Monseñor Octavio Ortiz Arrieta Coya. El obispos de los Andes Amazónicos . Saxo Yopublico, Lima 2017.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Esther Núñez Balbín: El papa Francisco reconoce como "Venerable" al salesiano peruano Octavio Ortiz Arrieta . In: Testimonio (Lima), Jg. 2017, Issue Enero - Abril, p. 43.
  2. ^ Promulgazione di Decreti della Congregazione delle Cause dei Santi. In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office , February 27, 2017, accessed February 27, 2017 (Italian).