Oliveto Lucano

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Oliveto Lucano
No coat of arms available.
Oliveto Lucano (Italy)
Oliveto Lucano
Country Italy
region Basilicata
province Matera  (MT)
Coordinates 40 ° 32 '  N , 16 ° 11'  E Coordinates: 40 ° 32 '0 "  N , 16 ° 11' 0"  E
surface 31 km²
Residents 381 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density 12 inhabitants / km²
Post Code 75010
prefix 0835
ISTAT number 077019
Website Internet presence (it)
Oliveto Lucano
Oliveto Lucano

Oliveto Lucano is an Italian municipality in the province of Matera ( Basilicata region ) with a population of 381 (as of December 31, 2019) and an area of ​​31.4 km².


Oliveto Lucano borders the following municipalities: Accettura , Calciano , Garaguso , San Mauro Forte .


Oliveto Lucano has around 262 households . The population share decreased by 23.0% between 1991 and 2001 according to the statistics of the ten-year census from ISTAT .

year population
1991 762
2001 587

Web links

Commons : Oliveto Lucano  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Statistiche demografiche ISTAT. Monthly population statistics of the Istituto Nazionale di Statistica , as of December 31 of 2019.