Otto Heinrich von Friesen

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Otto Heinrich Freiherr von Friesen (* August 8 (as aS ) or August 19, 1654 (nS) in Rötha ; † August 20, 1717 in Dresden ) was the real oldest Privy Councilor and Chancellor and owner of the Rötha and Geschwitz estates .


He was the son of Carl Freiherr von Friesen on Rotha , Countess, beets and Cotta , Elector of Saxony real Privy Council, President of the Upper Consistory and Oberhof judge to Leipzig and the Justina Sophia (1619 Eldena - 1691 Dresden), daughter of Otto von Raaben on Stügk and Steinfeld and Evas von Wackerbarth.

Otto Heinrich attended the Princely School of St. Afra in Meißen and in 1674 went to the University of Frankfurt an der Oder .

On July 31, 1677, he was appointed councilor at the Saxon Court of Appeal and the following year he was appointed court and justice councilor to the Saxon government in Dresden. Here he worked as an envoy on several district and coin trial days and in 1679 took part in the peace negotiations between Saxony, Sweden and Denmark together with his brother-in-law, the secret councilor Freiherr von Gersdorff.

In 1683 he took over the Regensburg embassy on an interim basis and officially in 1684 and stayed at the court in Bavaria for a long time . Since he proved himself there very well, he was appointed secret budget councilor in 1687.

In 1690 he was electoral Saxon ambassador for the election of the Roman king Joseph in Augsburg and in 1693 took part in the reception of the imperial and Bohemian fiefs at the court of Emperor Leopold in Vienna .

In 1695 he became the Privy Councilor and Chancellor of the Dresden-based state government of Elector Friedrich August (the Strong) of Saxony, and from then on he had a decisive influence on Saxon history. At his own request, he retired in 1715 at the age of 61.

Otto Heinrich was married twice, from 1681 to 1696 with Anna Genovefa geb. Freiin von Hohberg, only daughter of Wolf Helmbard Freiherr von Hohberg and Guttmannsdorff and from 1698 with Louise Henriette born. Baroness von Cannstein, used since 1694 Mrs. Colonel von Mäsebuch, daughter of Raban Freiherr von Canstein , Kurbrandenburg Privy Councilor, Obermarschall and Chamber President. Both marriages remained childless, but his second wife had sons and daughters from the first marriage.


His second wife Louise Henriette, the sister of Carl Hildebrand von Canstein , (* 1663) geb. Baroness von Canstein, ad. Colonel von Mäsebuch (also: Meysebug, Meseburg, Meisebug, Meysebuch) brought the following children into the marriage:

  • Hedwig Sophia ⚭ 1704 Friedrich von Stammern , Electoral Saxon Court and Justice Councilor
  • Johann
  • Georg Ludwig
  • Marie Charlotte (born February 14, 1688; † April 24, 1753) ⚭ Christian August von Friesen Electoral Saxon General (born March 15, 1674; † September 24, 1737)


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