Otto Planetta

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Otto Planetta (born August 2, 1899 in Wischau , South Moravia , † July 31, 1934 in Vienna ) was an Austrian National Socialist and assassin.


Planetta was a trained trade clerk, Catholic denomination, married and childless. He had his primary residence at the time of the July coup in Laxenburger Straße in the 10th Vienna district favorites . In 1916 Planetta volunteered for military service in the Austro-Hungarian Army . After the collapse of Austria-Hungary , he went to the militia , then the police and the army . His last military rank was that of a staff sergeant .

In 1929 he joined the NSDAP and, with Fridolin Glass and Franz Holzweber, founded the "German Soldiers' Association for the Registration of National Socialists in the Austrian Armed Forces ". As an unemployed person, he was later involved in the creation of SS Standard 89 (later SS Standard 89 "Wood Weavers" ).

At the beginning of the July coup , Planetta fired one of the two fatal shots at the then Austrian Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss on July 25, 1934 . Shortly after his arrest, he and his accomplices were Franz Holzweber by a military court for " death by the strand condemned" and on July 31 in Vienna Regional Court by the executioner Johann Lang on Würgegalgen executed . At the direction of the court, Planetta was hanged second. The corpses were not handed over to the relatives, but rather cremated in the Simmering fire hall . Planetta's ashes were later buried in the Dornbacher Friedhof (Group 13, Row 3, No. 33).

Glorification in the Nazi state

After the " Anschluss of Austria " in 1938, Planetta was stylized as an "Ostmärkischen freedom hero". There have been numerous streets in "Greater Germany" named after Planetta, the Gemmrigheimer street in Zuffenhausen and in Dresden the Habsburgerstraße . Today's Maria- and Rudolf-Fischer-Hof in Vienna- Favoriten , the Pfarrgasse in Baden near Vienna as well as student comradeships were named after him (such as the fraternity Bruna Sudetia Vienna).

See also

Literature (selection)

  • Walter Kleindel with the assistance of Hans Veigl: The great book of the Austrians. 4500 person representations in words and pictures. Names, dates, facts. Kremayr & Scheriau, Vienna 1987, ISBN 3-218-00455-1 .
  • Robert Berger (Red.), Peter Krause, Gottfried Stangler: Gaudeamus igitur. Student life then and now. Schallaburg , May 28 to October 18, 1992. Exhibition catalog . Catalog of the Lower Austrian State Museum, Volume NF 296, ZDB -ID 968582-0 . Office of the Lower Austrian Provincial Government, Section III / 2, Cultural Department, Vienna 1992, ISBN 3-85460-063-1 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Dollfuss murder: The second assassin. In: Courier . December 21, 2014, accessed October 4, 2017 .
  2. ^ Julius Böheimer: Streets and alleys in Baden near Vienna. Lexicon of streets, alleys, squares, paths, walkways, bridges . Grasl, Baden 1997, ISBN 3-85098-236-X , p. 86.