Otto Wustmann

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Otto Wustmann

Otto Wustmann (born July 16, 1896 in Groß Strehlitz , Upper Silesia , † July 23, 1971 ) was a German surgeon and medical officer .


Wustmann took part in the First World War as a volunteer . He reached the rank of lieutenant and was awarded both classes of the Iron Cross . From February 1918 he studied medicine at the Silesian Friedrich Wilhelms University and the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich . Approved in 1922 , he was a surgical assistant at Knappschaft's hospitals in the Upper Silesian industrial area (Hindenburg OS) until 1924 . In 1925 he was awarded a Dr. med. PhD. He then spent a year in Freiburg pathology with Ludwig Aschoff . In 1925 he went as an assistant to Ferdinand Sauerbruch and Erich Lexer at the surgical university clinic in Munich. In 1930 he took over the position of senior physician in the surgery department of the municipal hospital in Königsberg . After 14 months he switched to the surgical clinic of the Medical Academy in Düsseldorf as an assistant . In 1932 he qualified as a professor for surgery under Emil Karl Frey . In September 1933 he was appointed assistant to the surgical department of the St. Katharina Hospital in Königsberg. He succeeded in rehabilitation at the Albertus University in Königsberg , which took him over in November 1933 as a lecturer in surgery and orthopedics in the medical faculty. In 1939 he received a professorship with an extraordinary professor at the Albertus University.

When he was drafted into the army , he had to give up his work at the Katharina Hospital. From 1941 he headed a large special hospital for gunshot wounds to the bones and joints as well as the brain in the East Prussian town of Lötzen . It was relocated to Baden-Baden in 1944 and later to Amberg . During this time, Wustmann is said to have carried out over 9,000 operations. In the Second World War he was awarded the War Merit Cross in both classes for his work. He also received this award with swords.

Released from captivity, Wustmann took over the management of surgery at the Worms hospital in 1948 . He worked there for more than 20 years and was appointed professor . From 1963 he was also active as an expert in military and trauma surgery on an advisory board of the Federal Ministry of Defense .

On his 70th birthday, the article was dedicated to him, multiple localized skin bone formations and calcifications at insulin injection sites .

He was active in the working group for defense technology and became its 2nd chairman.


  • Contributions to the question of xanthomatic giant cell formation . German journal for surgery 192 (1925), pp. 381-400.
  • with Walter Jacobi and Wilhelm Löhr : About the representation of the central and peripheral nervous system in the X-ray image . Leipzig 1934.
  • War injuries to the upper extremities . Dresden 1942.
  • Gunshot fractures of the limbs . Leipzig Dresden 1944.
  • Advances in war surgery in the world wars of 1914/18 and 1939/45 . Wehrwissenschaftliche Rundschau, 1952, pp. 209–225.
  • Surgery of the elbow joint . Berlin 1954.


  • Franz Kurowski : German officers in the state, economy and science . Maximilian-Verlag, 1967, p. 358 ff.
  • Prof. Dr. Wustmann 70 years . In: Das Ostpreußenblatt , Volume 17, Episode 38, Hamburg, 1966, p. 16.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Albertus University of Königsberg i Pr, Dietrich Rauschning: year book . Duncker & Humblot, 1951, OCLC 269207239 , pp. 456 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  2. ^ A b Franz Kurowski: German officers in the state, economy and science . Maximilian-Verlag, 1967, p. 359 ( limited preview in Google Book Search).
  3. Dissertation: Mercury Idiosyncrasy and Mercury Poisoning .
  4. Habilitation thesis: Experimental studies on the relief representation of the central nervous system in the X-ray image using thorium contrast media .
  5. Ferdinand Sauerbruch: That was my life . Kindler and Schiermeyer, 1951, p. 479 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  6. Journal of orthopedic surgery including therapeutic gymnastics and massage . Ferdinand Enke, 1933, p. 454 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  7. Deutsche Literaturzeitung, weekly for criticism of international science . Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1939, p. 32 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  8. ^ The St. Katharina Hospital in Königsberg (H. Sch.), East Prussian Doctor Family 1968, pp. 14–15.
  9. Harry Scholz, Paul Schroeder: Doctors in East and West Prussia: Life and Achievement since the 18th Century . Holzner, 1970, p. 151 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  10. a b Library for Contemporary History (Germany): Book Show of the World War Library . World War Library / Library for Contemporary History, 1959, p. 375 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  11. HD Jung, E. Glöckner: Multiple localized skin bone formations and calcifications at insulin injection sites * . In: DMW - German Medical Weekly . tape 91 , no. 44 , 1966, ISSN  0012-0472 , pp. 1974-1977 , doi : 10.1055 / s-0028-1111624 .
  12. ^ Vademecum of German teaching and research institutions . Association of Founders for German Science, 1957, p. 398 ( limited preview in Google Book search).