Paul Dohrmann School (Hanover)

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former Paul Dohrmann School, 2019

The Paul-Dohrmann School in Hanover was one of Paul Dohrmann appointed and in the post-war commissioned in special school on Burgweg in Hanover district castle . The architect Otto Fiederling drew the plans for the school building, which was completed in 1954 and which was later listed as a historical monument . The facility was the first special needs school in the capital of Lower Saxony to operate its own dissolution.


The Paul Dohrmann School, which was set up in the 1950s, was a model for a long time and was seen as a pioneer of the idea of inclusion with the aim of joint schooling for children with and without disabilities . For this reason, teachers at the Paul Dohrmann School have been looking after their primary school students in various schools in the surrounding districts since 1999 . The so-called "Regional Integration Concept Hanover Northwest" also joined the IGS Stöcken in 2009, the year the UN Disability Rights Convention came into force in Germany , in which several teachers from the Paul Dohrmann School worked for a time and fifth and in some cases also sixth graders supported learning with special needs.

After the IGS Stöcken also accepted children with disabilities in speaking or in their emotional-social development from their catchment area, from August 2010 only one class each in the seventh, eighth and ninth year remained in the headquarters of the Paul Dohrmann School. According to Dirk Reiche, the headmaster at the time, however, "it became difficult to organize good offers for such a small group of students, for example for career orientation ". Parents and teachers therefore sought to dissolve the Paul Dohrmann School run by the city of Hanover and move the remaining three classes to another school, as requested, for example, by the chairman of the parents' council , who is responsible for looking after his own son described the larger classes of a mainstream school as "excluded". While the director of the Paul Dohrmann School saw himself as the future coordinator for special needs teachers, whose deployment and advice he had to organize at the beginning of 2011, all plans should first be discussed with the local politicians of the Herrenhausen-Stöcken district council before the Lower Saxony Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs " a fundamental decision ”had to be made.

In 2014 the city ​​administration of Hanover decided to expand the classrooms of the former Paul-Dohrmann-Schule, whose gym was used by various club athletes at the time, to provide emergency accommodation for up to 150 homeless immigrants, especially from Southeast Europe. On request, Lower Saxony's integration officer, Doris Schröder-Köpf , emphasized that “not so large groups of homeless immigrants should be housed together there”, but that the city of Hanover should ultimately “not leave any family on the street”. According to Thomas Hermann , "the city [...] would not allow full occupancy as a permanent solution."

Even according to the guideline given by Hanover’s Mayor Stefan Schostok , hardship should be reliably alleviated, but only up to a minimum standard in order to create “no incentives” for increased immigration of others from the homelands of the housed homeless.

The homeless shelter was closed in April 2019 and the site was handed over to Transition Town in summer 2019 , which is to develop sustainable usage concepts there in cooperation with various other organizations by June 2020.

Web links

See also


  • Petra Rückerl: Here students should learn frugality / "Transition town" wants to convert the Paul Dohrmann School into a sufficiency center , in: Neue Presse from June 2, 2018, p. 20


  1. In contrast, the HAZ named the year 1956 as the year of construction, compare Bärbel Hilbig: Out of town / operation closed ...

Individual evidence

  1. a b Waldemar R. Röhrbein : 1954 , in: Hannover Chronik , pp. 236–238; here: p. 237; limited preview in Google Book search
  2. a b c d Bärbel Hilbig: Out of the city / operations closed / First special needs school in Hanover dissolves , article on the page of the Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung (HAZ) from February 20, 2011, last accessed on May 30, 2018
  3. a b Andreas Schinkel: The city / Paul-Dohrmann-Schule in Burg / Förderschule becomes homeless shelter , article on the HAZ website from February 12, 2014, last accessed on May 30, 2018
  4. City closes accommodation in Paul-Dohrmann-Schule , article on the SN website from April 4, 2019, last accessed on September 30, 2019
  5. ^ Burgweg: Climate protection activists move into former Roma accommodation , article on the HAZ website from September 7, 2019, last accessed on September 30, 2019

Coordinates: 52 ° 24 '4 "  N , 9 ° 42' 8.6"  E