Paul Tossanus

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Paulus Tossanus, engraving by Paul de Zelter (1629)

Paul Tossanus (born September 27, 1572 in Montargis , † June 1634 in Heidelberg ) was a German Reformed theologian of Huguenot descent.


Paul Tossanus was a son of Daniel Tossanus the Elder and his wife Maria Couet du Vivier († 1587). Daniel Tossanus the younger was his cousin.

Paul Tossanus studied in Heidelberg , Altdorf , Geneva and suffering theology . He was then appointed as rector, first to Deventer and three years later to Amsterdam . He made an educational trip to Oxford and Cambridge and received his doctorate in Basel in March 1599 . In 1600 Tossanus became pastor in the Walloon community of Frankenthal and eight years later pastor of the monastery church in Heidelberg. Together with Abraham Scultetus and Johann Heinrich Alting , Tossanus took part in the Synod of the Reformed in Dordrecht in 1618 . From 1613 Tossanus was also a professor of dogmatics in Heidelberg. After Tilly sacked Heidelberg in September 1622, he fled to Hanau to attend the high school . In 1631 he returned to Heidelberg, where he was a member of the Electoral Palatinate Council of Churches until his death .

Paul Tossanus made a contribution to the publication of his father's handwritten estate. He also published a Bible work in 1617 which commented on Luther's translation and corrected it in some places. This was published by Jakob Lancellot in Heidelberg with the privilege of Electoral Palatinate.

Theodor Falkeisen planned a new edition of the so-called Tossan Bible in 1659. The edition of the printed Bible was sold by his heirs to the Frankfurt bookseller Tambach after Tossanus death and after his death it passed into the possession of the bookseller Schönwetter, who married Tambach's widow.


Web links

Commons : Paul Tossanus  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Willem van Irhoven (ed.): Canones Synodi nationalis Dordracenae, ofte Oordeel des Synodi nationalis der Gereformeerde Kercken van de Vereenigde Nederlanden: ghehouden in Dordrecht, inden jare 1618 end 1619 . J. H. Vonk van Lynden, Utrecht 1752, pp. 22, 39, 68 and 95 ( Google Books ).
  2. Paul Cologne: Tossani Bible. Retrieved May 17, 2020 .