Peter Metzger

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Peter Metzger (born March 11, 1937 in Pforzheim ; † December 10, 2017 in Meckenbeuren ) was a German diplomat who was ambassador to Chad , Yemen , Bulgaria and Norway .


After graduating from high school, Metzger studied law and linguistics , which he completed with the first state examination in law. After completing the legal traineeship , he passed the second state examination in 1965 and was then a court assessor at the Koblenz public prosecutor's office.

After entering the foreign service in 1966 with a training position as an attaché at the embassy in Portugal and the embassy in Australia , he completed the career test for the higher service in 1968. He then found employment in the headquarters of the Foreign Office and in 1971 as head of the protective power representation in Jeddah . As such, in July 1973, he became first class councilor at the embassy in Saudi Arabia and submitted, among other things, a report on arms deliveries from the USA to Saudi Arabia, but also on a Saudi Arabian oil embargo against the USA. In 1974 he became a consultant in the Foreign Office.

In 1977 Metzger became ambassador to Chad . As such, he signed the agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Chad on financial cooperation on March 10, 1978 ( Federal Law Gazette 1979 II p. 1189 ). After his return to Germany in 1979 he first became deputy spokesman for the Foreign Office and then in 1980 head of the Department of Protocols at the Foreign Office.

Thereafter, Metzger was appointed ambassador to the Yemeni Arab Republic in 1983 and held this position until he was replaced by Heinz Reiners in 1986. In this role he was also accredited as ambassador to Djibouti between 1983 and 1986 . In 1986 he worked as Counselor First Class Envoy at the Embassy in Czechoslovakia and, after his return to Germany, from 1989 to 1991 initially acted as head of the State and Constitutional Law Department in the Foreign Office, before becoming Deputy Chief of Protocol from 1991 to 1995 Foreign Office was.

In 1995 Metzger became ambassador to Bulgaria and thus successor to Christel Steffler , who was retired. He held the post of ambassador in Sofia until 1999 and was then replaced by Ursula Seiler-Albring . During this time he became an honorary citizen of Sofia.

Metzger was most recently accredited as an ambassador to Norway in 1999 and thus succeeded Wilhelm Schürmann . He held this office until his retirement in 2001. Successor as ambassador to Oslo was Horst Winkelmann .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hans-Peter Schwarz, Helga Haftendorn, Klaus Hildebrand: Files on Foreign Policy of the FRG, 1st half of 1973 , p. 957, ISBN 3-48656-651-2 , 2004
  2. ^ Patrick Bormann, Thomas Freiberger, Judith Michel (editor): Fear in international relations , p. 239, ISBN 3-89971-631-0 , 2010