Peter Plath

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Peter Paul Robert Plath (born August 22, 1933 in Narva , Estonia ; † November 11, 2017 in Recklinghausen ) was a German doctor specializing in ear, nose and throat medicine .

Life, education and career

After the escape , during which the family was actually intended to be transported on the Wilhelm Gustloff , Plath came to Bad Sachsa in 1949 and graduated from high school there in 1952. He studied medicine in Marburg , Göttingen and Düsseldorf . In 1958 he passed the state examination and from 1961 to 1966 was an assistant doctor in the ENT department of the University Clinic in Düsseldorf . His license to practice medicine as a specialist in ear, nose and throat medicine took place in 1964. From 1966 to 1975, Plath was senior physician at the Aachen University Hospital . In 1969 he completed his habilitation with the topic "Sound and speech hearing in the case of noise damage to the hearing". From 1967 to 1975 teaching activity at the Rhineland University of Education in Cologne . In 1972 he was appointed professor , and from 1975 to 1999 he worked as chief physician at the Prosper Hospital Recklinghausen . Retired on March 31, 1999. Plath was married and had children.

Work and functions

Plath published 20 books and authored numerous specialist articles in scientific publications. The main areas of activity were a. traumatic hearing damage , early detection and treatment of hearing damage in children as well as diagnosis and therapy of larynx cancer .

Plath was an expert on hearing aid acoustics at DIN , the DKE and the VDI . Since 1964, Plath has been temporarily chairing the Association of German-speaking Audiologists, Neurootologists and Otologists (ADANO), a working group of the German Society for Ear, Nose and Throat Medicine, Head and Neck Surgery. 1972 founded and until 2003 medical advisor of the Federal Association of Larynxes. 1976 to 2002 Chairman of the Board of the GEERS Foundation . From 1981 to 1989 he was Chairman of the International Bureau of Audiophonology BIAP. Plath was chairman of the master's examination committee for hearing aid acousticians at the Mainz Chamber of Crafts .

Plath was particularly interested in research into the origins and treatment of tinnitus as well as advice and support for those suffering from it. Here he has worked closely with the German Tinnitus League since it was founded .

Honors and awards (selection)

Works (selection)

  • 1971 "Sound and speech hearing in the case of noise damage to the ear", Schattauer Verlag, Stuttgart, ISBN 379450254X
  • 1976 “ENT guide for the general practitioner”, ISBN 3794505069
  • 1991 "The hearing organ and its function", Marhold Verlag, Berlin, ISBN 9783786432111
  • 1995 “Lexicon of Hearing Damage; Medical advice ”, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, ISBN 3437008129
  • 1997 "Recognizing, preventing, treating ear diseases", Midena Verlag, Munich, ISBN 9783310002858

Web links

Literature by and about Peter Plath in the catalog of the German National Library

Individual evidence

  1. "Obituary Prof. Dr. Peter Plath ”, article by Gerhard Goebel in the magazine“ Tinnitus Forum ”, issue 1/2018