Peter Rosenzweig

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Peter Rosenzweig (born September 7, 1890 in Mayen , Koblenz district , † January 18, 1952 in Berlin ) was a German politician ( SPD ).

Peter Rosenzweig was the son of a farmer and carter. He attended an elementary school and did an apprenticeship as a bricklayer and stonemason . After the wandering years , he joined the SPD and the German construction workers' association in 1914 . He was drafted in the First World War . From 1917 to 1918 Rosenzweig attended the arts and crafts school as well as the state building trade school in Aachen and then passed the master mason examination. From 1921 to 1922 he studied at the Academy of Labor (AdA) in Frankfurt am Main . He then became an employee of the German Construction Workers' Association and later through the merger of the associations at the German Construction Trade Association in Trier and Koblenz . In 1928 Rosenzweig became a member of the central board of the German Building Trade Association in Hamburg and a year later in Berlin. After the " seizure of power " by the National Socialists , he was initially unemployed in 1933, but from 1935 was able to work as a foreman and construction technician. At the end of the Second World War in 1945 he became a construction manager at the Todt Organization and was eventually taken prisoner by the Soviets .

After the war, Rosenzweig worked as a site manager at the Berlin City Administration and from 1946 as a full-time member of the board of IG Bau Berlin. He also became an honorary judge at the labor court in Berlin . In the Berlin election in 1948 he was elected to the city ​​council of Greater Berlin and at the same time to the district council in the Wedding district. In the next election in 1950 he was elected to the Berlin House of Representatives, but he died in January 1952. His successor in parliament was then Gustav Pietsch .
