Petre Diaconu

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Petre Diaconu (born October 6, 1924 , † April 2007 ) was a Romanian archaeologist and historian .

life and work

Petre Diaconu graduated from the Faculty of History at the University of Bucharest . In 1953 he successfully completed his course, and in 1971 he received his doctorate for a thesis on the Pechenegs in the lower Danube region. While still a student, he worked at the Institute of Archeology at the Romanian Academy from 1951 . After graduating, he initially worked at the institute as a researcher and later as a senior researcher until his retirement in autumn 1991. In addition to archeology, his main focus was on historical geography , paleodemography and toponomics , especially those of the lower Danube region.

As part of this work, he examined numerous archaeological sites from all epochs, but mainly devoted himself to the Roman and post-Roman times. His main research areas were

Diaconu published numerous articles and five monographs, which outside Romania also appeared in Germany, Spain, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Greece, Belgium and the USA.

Fonts (selection)

  • Săpăturile de la Păcuiul lui Soare , 1960, pp. 653-666.
  • Șantierul arheologic Păcuiul lui Soare , 1961, pp. 599–608.
  • Les Petchénègues au Bas Danube , Bucharest 1972.
  • (with D. Vîlceanu): Păcuiul lui Soare. I. Cetatea bizantină , Bucharest 1972.
  • The Petchenegs on the Lower Danube, în Relations between the autochthonous population and the migratory populations on the territory of Roman , Bucharest 1975, pp. 235-240
  • (with Silvia Baraschi): Păcuiul lui Soare. II. Aşezarea medievală , Bucharest 1977.
  • Les Coumans au Bas Danube aux XIe et XIIe siècles , Bucharest 1978.


  • Ionel Căndea: Petre Diaconu (1924-2007) . In: Arheologia Moldovei 30, 2007, pp. 491-493 ( digitized version ).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Petre Diaconu: Les Petchénègues au Bas-Danube (= Bibliotheca historica Romaniae 27). Bucharest 1972.
  2. Ionel Candea: Petre Diaconu (1924 to 2007) . In: Arheologia Moldovei 30, 2007, pp. 491–493 ( digitized version ); Aurelia Lăpuşan: Portrete. Oameni care au făcut istorie culturală în Dobrogea Petre Diaconu , on the website (Romanian), accessed on February 21, 2019.