Parish church Schiefling am Wörthersee

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Schiefling am See parish church hl.  Michael WSW view 13052008 6295.jpg

The Roman Catholic parish church Schiefling am Wörthersee in the same community is the archangel Michael consecrated. A church in Schiefling was first mentioned in 1369 as the Florianikapelle. The patronage change probably took place in the 17th century when the church was rebuilt. Schiefling was originally a subsidiary of Maria Wörth and became a curate in 1788 .

Building description

The church is a baroque hall church with a western facade tower built around 1900. The strongly drawn-in choir ends in a semicircular apse . A Floriani chapel and a sacristy are built on the south side . You enter the church through a renewed arched portal.

In the three-bay nave, a barrel vault with stitch caps rests on wall pillars. The choir and the Floriani chapel have a burr cross vault . The triumphal arch and the divider arch to the Floriani chapel are round arches. The curved, baroque west gallery made of wood stands on two round columns. On the parapet with the foliage decoration from around 1725 there is a heart-shaped image of St. Helena . The organ was built in 1884 by Franz Coleric from Ferlach . Under the gallery is a marble font with a carved top from the beginning of the 19th century. The glass windows in the choir, made in 1906 by the Geyling company from Vienna, depict the saints Ursula , Michael and Anna .


The neo-baroque high altar was built around 1850. It bears a figure of the Archangel Michael made by Josef Kögler as well as statues of Saints Joseph and Johannes Nepomuk from around 1850 . Franz Ozbic built the left side altar from artificial stone in 1878. The altar block is bordered by two columns with Corinthian capitals . Above it are protruding entablature and a segmental arch with a sculpture of Maria Immaculata made by Jakob Gschiel in 1878 . The late Baroque Florianial Tar was decorated in 1878 with figures of Saints Apollonia , Barbara and Florian carved by the Val Gardena sculptor Ferdinand Demetz . The pulpit from the middle of the 18th century shows the painted representation of the four evangelists on the parapet . The pictures of the stations of the cross in the style of the Nazarenes were supplied by the Heindl company from Vienna in 1913.


  • Dehio manual. The art monuments of Austria. Carinthia . Anton Schroll, Vienna 2001, ISBN 3-7031-0712-X , p. 863 f.

Web links

Commons : Parish Church of St. Michael, Schiefling  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 46 ° 36 '16.9 "  N , 14 ° 5' 47.9"  E