Pierre Bertrand de Colombier

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Cardinal Pierre Bertrand de Colombier (representation from 1660)

Pierre Bertrand de Colombier (born March 25, 1299 in Colombier , Ardèche , † July 13, 1361 in the Priory of Montaut ( Villeneuve-lès-Avignon ) on the banks of the Rhone opposite Avignon ) was a French cardinal and diplomat .


Pierre Bertrand de Colombier was the son of Marguerite Bertrand and Barthélemy de Colombier and a nephew of Cardinal Pierre Bertrand von Annonay . After training as a lawyer, he became a lawyer, director of the council of the Count of Nevers (1321) and advisor to the parlement (1329).

After his ordination in 1330 he was dean of St. Quentin and was commissioned to negotiate the marriage between the Duke of Normandy, the future King John II of France, and the daughter of the King of Bohemia . On January 20, 1335 he became Bishop of Nevers and on March 5, 1339 of Arras . He also made sure that Flanders fell to France.

On May 19, 1344 he was elevated to cardinal priest of Santa Susanna . The Pope instructed him to negotiate a peace or armistice between France and England. In 1353 he was raised to Cardinal Bishop of Ostia . In 1354 he was sent to the German King Charles IV and arranged for him to come to Italy the following year to be crowned emperor. As a legacy of the Pope, Bertrand crowned Karl Emperor in Rome in 1355. In 1356 he went to France to negotiate peace with England and died in 1361.


  • Raymond Cazelles: Bertrand, Pierre d. J. In: Lexicon of the Middle Ages (LexMA). Volume 1, Artemis & Winkler, Munich / Zurich 1980, ISBN 3-7608-8901-8 , Sp. 2042.
  • Albin Mazon: Essai historique sur le Vivarais pendant la guerre de Cent Ans (1337-1453) . 2nd Edition. Editions de la Bouquinerie, Valence, France 1992, ISBN 2-908287-16-1 , pp. 97–108 (French, archive.org - first edition: J. Parnin, Tournon 1889).
  • Colombier, Pierre Bertrand de . In: Encyclopædia Britannica . 11th edition. tape 6 : Châtelet - Constantine . London 1910, p. 713 (English, full text [ Wikisource ]).
  • Honoré Fisquet : La France pontificale (Gallia christiana), histoire chronologique et biographique des archevêques et évêques de tous les diocèses de France depuis l'établissement du christianisme jusqu'à nos jours, divisée en 17 provinces ecclésiastique. Métropole de Sens. Nevers - Bethléhem. E. Repos, Paris n.d., pp. 53-55 ( gallica.bnf.fr ).

Individual evidence

  1. Entry (PDF) in the Base Mérimée
  2. Joseph Sollier:  Pierre Bertrand . In: Catholic Encyclopedia , Volume 2, Robert Appleton Company, New York 1907.
  3. Entry on Pierre Cardinal Bertrand (Jr.) on catholic-hierarchy.org ; accessed on March 8, 2018.
  4. Bertrand, iuniore, Pierre. In: Salvador Miranda : The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church. ( Florida International University website ), accessed March 8, 2018.