Pietro Maria Pieri

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Pietro Maria Cardinal Pieri

Pietro Maria Pieri OSM (born September 29, 1676 in Piancastagnaio , Radicofani , Italy , † January 27, 1743 in Rome ) was an Italian cardinal of the Roman Church .


Pietro Maria Pieri was the son of Francesco Pieri and Elisabetta Maggiolini, they lived as a respected but impoverished family in a small castle in Piancastegnaio near Siena . He was baptized on October 1, 1676 , and grew up around his family. With parental consent, Pietro, at the invitation of Father Ponzoli, OSM, entered the Order of the Servites at an early age . He went to Florence with Father Ponzoli and studied Latin . At the age of 15 he put on the vestments of the order , after his novice he went to the monastery church in 1702San Marcello to Rome. He continued his studies and graduated with an excellent dissertation from theology . With an apostolic letter from 1702 Pope Clement XI appointed him . (1700–1721) as teacher of the Servite Order. After graduation and ordination (the date of which does not appear documented) he was first Regens in Florence and two years later at the San Marcello Seminary in Rome.

General Superior

In Roman times he was appointed Provincial of the Order of Tuscany . After the death of the incumbent superior general , he was appointed vicar general of the order . After Father Castelli's election as superior general, he relieved Pieri from the office of rain. In the meantime, Pieri had on Cardinal Lorenzo Corsini, later Pope Clement XII. (1730–1740) and Order Protector , left a positive impression. The cardinal called him to his librarian and theologian and employed him for a fee. At the same time he appointed him as an advisor to papal commissions. In 1720, Father Sostegno Maria Cavalli took over the position of General Superior and Pieri was appointed Procurator (Treasurer). After Cavalli had been appointed Bishop of Gubbio in 1725 , Pietri took over the management of the order and was elected Superior General of the Servites in 1725.

In his tenure as a superior general, until 1734, he was able to strengthen and improve the privileges of the order. He led the religious community to an order recognized within the church. The jurisdiction for the female Third Order , the Servites , changed from the diocesan bishop to the order general. The Order provided advisers in the Congregation for Rites and sent workers to work out the Apostolic Constitutions . Finally, the process of canonization for the founder of the Order of the Servites Juliana von Falconieri was initiated.


On March 24, 1734 he was appointed cardinal and on April 12, 1734 he received the red biretta . He was now cardinal priest of the titular church of San Giovanni a Porta Latina . In 1740 he was a participant in the conclave that Prospero Lambertini elected Pope Benedict XIV (1740–1758). After a short, serious illness, Cardinal Pietro Maria Pieri died on January 29, 1743 in Rome and was taken to the chapel of St. Philipp Benizi is buried.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Entry on Sostegno Maria Cavalli on catholic-hierarchy.org