Pyotr Grigoryevich Chernyshev

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Pyotr Grigoryevich Tschernyschow ( Alexander Roslin )

Count Pyotr Grigoryevich Chernyshov ( Russian Пётр Григорьевич Чернышёв ; born March 24 . Jul / 4. April  1712 greg. , † August 20 jul. / 31 August  1773 greg. In St. Petersburg ) was a Russian diplomat .


Tschernyschow was the eldest son of Livonia Governor Count Grigory Petrovich Tschernyschow and his wife Avdotja Ivanovna Tschernyschowa née Rschewskaja, one of the mistresses of Peter I , as well as the godson of Peter I. Chernyshev was enrolled in the Preobrazhensk Body Guard Regiment as a child . 1722–1727 he served at the court of Duke Karl-Friedrich of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf , where he rose from page to chamberlain and finally lieutenant captain. He returned to St. Petersburg and was an adjutantwith his father. In 1728 he joined the Department of Foreign Affairs. In 1738 he married Yekaterina Andrejewna Uschakowa (1715–1779), daughter of Count Andrei Uschakow .

During the reign of Anna Leopoldowna , Tschernyschow was sent to the Danish-Norwegian court in Copenhagen in 1741 as envoy extraordinary . His apprentice fourteen-year-old brother Ivan accompanied him , while his nineteen-year-old brother Sachar made a career in the Russian army. In the winter of 1741 Tschernyschow was transferred to Berlin . In 1743 he reported the advice of Frederick II to the Empress Elisabeth to his government . In Berlin from 1744–1745 he was a member of the Masonic lodge "To the Three Worlds" . In 1746 he became the Russian ambassador in London to succeed Ivan Andreevich Shcherbatov . In 1748 Tschernyschow took part in the Aachen Congress to end the War of the Austrian Succession .

In 1754 Chernyshev was appointed lieutenant general. In 1755 he was recalled from London. His successor there was Alexander Mikhailovich Golitsyn . 1760–1762 Chernyshev was envoy in Paris . He became Real Privy Councilor (2nd class ) and received from Peter III. the Order of Saint Andrew the First Called . In 1763 he was recalled by Catherine II and settled with his family in St. Petersburg in the house of his father-in-law. Chernyshev attended the meetings of the governing senate . With his extreme frugality he amassed a great fortune.

Chernyshev had three sons and eight daughters, few of whom survived childhood. Darja (1739–1802) married Count Ivan Petrovich Saltykow , son of Field Marshal General Count Pyotr Semjonowitsch Saltykow . Natalja (1744-1837) married Prince WB Golitsyn and was the queen of spades in Alexander Pushkin's story.

Chernyshev died of dropsy and was buried in the Lazarus Cemetery at the Alexander Nevsky Monastery in St. Petersburg.


Web links

Commons : Chernyshev family  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Necropolis of the St. Alexander Nevsky Lavra of the Holy Trinity: Чернышев Петр Григорьевич (accessed October 30, 2017).
  2. Чернышев П.Г .: Совет Фридриха Великого императрице Елизавете Петровне . In: Русский архив . No. 10 , 1866, pp. 1541–1544 ( [accessed October 30, 2017]).