Roland Pohloudek-Fabini

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(Leo) Roland Pohloudek-Fabini (born January 29, 1913 in Broos ; † February 4, 1985 in Greifswald ) was a pharmacist and pharmaceutical chemist from Transylvania .


Roland Pohloudek was the son of the civil servant Leo Kaul Pohloudek, who disappeared during the First World War and who lived in Vienna after the divorce from his wife Klara Klementine, née Fabini (1875–1928). When his mother, a singing teacher and oratorio singer, daughter of the businessman and plasterer manufacturer Eduard Fabini, died in 1928, Roland Pohloudek was taken in by his uncle Roland Fabini and adopted in 1943.

After graduating from high school in Sibiu in 1930 , he did an apprenticeship in a pharmacy in Broos for two years. He then studied pharmacy in Cluj-Napoca and Bucharest . From 1936 he worked as an industrial pharmacist in Kronstadt . He received his license to practice medicine in 1939. From 1941 to 1943 he worked as an assistant at the Pharmaceutical Institute of the University of Leipzig , where he also studied food chemistry. In 1943 he received his doctorate under Karl-Hugo Bauer .

Roland Pohloudek-Fabini was appointed director of the Chemical Investigation Office in Leipzig in 1945. In 1951 he went to the Institute for Nutritional Research in Potsdam - Rehbrücke . His habilitation took place in 1954 with Kurt Täufel .

In the same year, the University of Greifswald appointed him full professor for pharmaceutical chemistry and director of the pharmaceutical-chemical institute. Research at the university was intensified under his leadership. He worked on pharmaceutical and toxic analysis, drug synthesis, analysis, standardization and biochemistry. He also researched medicinal plants and carried out studies on the chemistry and physiology of organic acids. From 1968 he headed the Pharmacy Section and was Dean from 1967 to 1969 . In 1978 he retired.

From 1954 to 1958 he was President of the Scheele Society and from 1965 to 1968 Vice President of the Pharmaceutical Society of the GDR . From 1961 to 1975 he taught pharmacy at the Academy for Medical Training in the GDR. In this role, he advocated the legal regulation of further training for pharmacists to become specialist pharmacists.

Pohloudek-Fabini was a member of the Pharmacopoeia Commission from 1960. As a member of the "Board of Directors of the German Pharmacopoeia Commission" he received in 1965 together with Walter Poethke (born May 30, 1900), director of the Institute for Pharmacology at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena; Friedrich Jung , Berlin Book; (Hans-) Joachim Richter (born March 2, 1926), director of the German Institute for Drugs in Berlin; Lothar Kny, (born August 3, 1930), then Deputy Director of the State Institute for Drug Testing in Berlin (East) and Scientific Secretary of the Pharmacopoeia Commission, the National Prize II for the instructions and her significant contribution to the development of the 7th edition of the German Pharmacopoeia Class for science and technology as an award.

He was involved in the publication of the German Pharmacopoeia (DAB 7) and co-editor of the commentary on the DAB. He published the journals Pharmazie , Pharmaceutical Central Hall and Planta Medica .



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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Chronicle of the chairmen: Scheele Society.
  2. Neue Zeit newspaper , October 7, 1965, p. 4