Presidium of the 15th German Bundestag

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The Presidium of the 15th German Bundestag consisted of Bundestag President Wolfgang Thierse ( SPD ) and the four deputies Norbert Lammert ( CDU ), Susanne Kastner ( SPD ), Antje Vollmer ( Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen ) and Hermann Otto Solms ( FDP ).

Elections to the presidium

Constituent session on October 17, 2002

Surname Political party votes cast required majority Yes No Abstentions invalid votes
Wolfgang Thierse (President) SPD 596 302 357 219 20th 0
Susanne Kastner SPD 594 421 146 27 0
Norbert Lammert CDU 591 498 66 27 0
Antje Vollmer Alliance 90 / The Greens 590 378 176 36 0
Hermann Otto Solms FDP 581 490 62 29 0
