Presidium of the 17th German Bundestag

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The Presidium of the 17th German Bundestag consisted of Bundestag President Norbert Lammert ( CDU ) and five deputies Gerda Hasselfeldt ( CSU ), Gerda Hasselfeldt ( CSU ) (until March 15, 2011), Eduard Oswald ( CSU ) (from March 23, 2011 ), Wolfgang Thierse ( SPD ), Hermann Otto Solms ( FDP ), Petra Pau ( Die Linke ) and Katrin Göring-Eckardt ( Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen ).

Elections to the presidium

Constituent session on October 27, 2009

Surname Political party votes cast required majority Yes No Abstentions invalid votes
Norbert Lammert (President) CDU 617 312 522 66 29 0
Gerda Hasselfeldt CSU 618 496 66 52 4th
Wolfgang Thierse SPD 371 170 65 12
Hermann Otto Solms FDP 487 84 42 5
Petra Pau left 379 155 74 10
Katrin Göring-Eckardt Alliance 90 / The Greens 473 79 61 5

By-election to the Presidium on March 23, 2011

Surname Political party votes cast required majority Yes No Abstentions invalid votes
Eduard Oswald CSU 570 311 504 39 27 0


  1. Five candidates stood for election in the same ballot.