Presidium of the 16th German Bundestag

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The Presidium of the 16th German Bundestag consisted of Bundestag President Norbert Lammert ( CDU ) and six deputies Gerda Hasselfeldt ( CSU ), Wolfgang Thierse ( SPD ), Susanne Kastner ( SPD ), Hermann Otto Solms ( FDP ), Petra Pau ( Die Linke ) (from April 7, 2006) and Katrin Göring-Eckardt ( Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen ).

Elections to the presidium

Constituent session on October 18, 2005

Surname Political party votes cast required majority Yes No Abstentions invalid votes
Norbert Lammert (President) CDU 607 308 564 25th 17th 1
Gerda Hasselfeldt CSU 605 510 47 47 1
Wolfgang Thierse SPD 605 417 136 52 0
Susanne Kastner SPD 600 496 61 42 1
Hermann Otto Solms FDP 602 486 85 31 0
Lothar Bisky ,
1st ballot
left 594 225 312 55 2
Katrin Göring-Eckardt Alliance 90 / The Greens 587 479 69 39 0
Lothar Bisky ,
2nd ballot
left 572 282 235 46 9
Lothar Bisky ,
3rd ballot
left 544 254 248 258 31 7th

Subsequent ballots for Vice President of the Bundestag

date Surname Political party Ballot votes cast required majority Yes No Abstentions invalid votes
November 8, 2005 Lothar Bisky left 4th 595 280 249 310 36 0
April 7, 2006 Petra Pau left 1. 581 308 385 138 58 0
