Presidium of the 5th German Bundestag

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Bundestag President Eugen Gerstenmaier

The presidium of the 5th German Bundestag was elected in its constituent session on October 19, 1965. The Bundestag elected the CDU member and previous incumbent Eugen Gerstenmaier as its president for the third time and Carlo Schmid , Erwin Schoettle (both SPD ), Richard Jaeger ( CSU ) and Max Becker ( FDP ) as its vice-presidents. All vice-presidents had already held this office in the previous legislative period.

Election of the President of the Bundestag

The electoral process was led by the senior president and former Federal Chancellor Konrad Adenauer . He had been the oldest member of the Bundestag since 1953, but had renounced the office of senior president due to his function as Federal Chancellor. Gerstenmaier, proposed by the CDU parliamentary group leader Rainer Barzel , received 384 of the 507 votes cast, which corresponded to 75.73%. This gave him a significantly worse result than in 1957 and 1961. At that time he had received over 90%.

Election of the vice-presidents

The previous incumbents Carlo Schmid , Erwin Schoettle (both SPD ), Richard Jaeger ( CSU ) and Thomas Dehler ( FDP ) had been proposed. Before the election, there was a brief argument because the CDU member Franz-Josef Wuermeling demanded the secret ballot required by the rules of procedure of the German Bundestag . Gerstenmaier pointed out, however, that deviations from the rules of procedure are permissible if two thirds of the MPs agreed. This was the case and a show of hands was used to vote. The candidates were elected in individual ballots.

Changes during the legislative period

Richard Jaeger became Federal Minister of Justice on October 26, 1965. Therefore, the CSU MP Maria Probst was unanimously elected to the Presidium on December 9th . Since Carlo Schmid was appointed to the federal government on December 1, 1966, the SPD man Karl Mommer was unanimously elected vice-president of the Bundestag on December 14 . Maria Probst died on May 1st, 1967. Richard Jaeger was re-elected to the Executive Committee for them. Since Thomas Dehler died on July 21, 1967, Walter Scheel was elected Vice President on September 8, 1967 . On January 23, 1969, Eugen Gerstenmaier resigned from his office as President of the Bundestag after he had come under fire for claiming reparations . Accusations were also made in public that he had influenced the legislation of the seventh amendment to the Reparation Act of 1965 in his favor. The previous Federal Minister for Expellees, Refugees and War Victims, Kai-Uwe von Hassel , was proposed as his successor . On February 5, 1969, it received 262 of 457 votes cast (50.7%).


  1. The majority of the members of the Bundestag was required. At the time of the election, the Bundestag did not consist of 518, but only 517 members, as Ursula Krips (SPD) left on January 31, but her successor Alfred Nann did not take up his mandate until February 17. Vice-President Erwin Schoettle erroneously named the number 260 as the required majority at the meeting on February 5, although 259 would have sufficed due to the short-term reduction in the total number.