Rainer Kessler

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Rainer Kessler (born November 1, 1944 in Lindschied near Bad Schwalbach ) was Professor of Protestant Theology with the field of Old Testament at the University of Marburg from 1993 to 2010 .

Study and theological training

After graduating from high school in Karlsruhe , Rainer Kessler studied Protestant theology at the universities of Mainz , Hamburg and Heidelberg from 1964 to 1969 , which he completed with the first theological exam. The doctorate followed in 1972 at the University of Heidelberg and in 1974 the second theological exam. After the ordination , Rainer Kessler was parish vicar in Worms for six months .


At the end of 1975 Rainer Kessler resigned from the Evangelical Church in Hesse and Nassau (EKHN) as a pastor and at the same time a member of the Maoist Communist Federation of West Germany , because it was " interested in the continued existence of class society ", but he did not "act as a pastor for the people, but fight at his side (want) ”. For leaving the church organized by Rainer Kessler, the "Communist group Worms", the local sympathizer group of KBW, an event "for separation of church and state."


1983 Rainer Kessler returned to the church service. From 1987 to 1991 he was Assistant Professor at the Theological Seminary Bethel ( Bielefeld ), where he in 1991 for the subject "Old Testament" habilitation was. He then worked for two years as pastor of the Evangelical Church in Hesse and Nassau and as a private lecturer in Frankfurt am Main until he was appointed professor for the Old Testament at the Philipps University of Marburg in 1993 . His retirement took place in 2010. Guest events took him to Bogotá in 2003 and to Stellenbosch in 2005 .

Rainer Kessler's specialties are Old Testament social history , prophecy and hermeneutics . In addition to a few books, he has written numerous articles for handbooks and festschrifts and published articles in scientific journals. He is also responsible for some of the texts in the BigS .



Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The mirror no. 49 (December 1) 1976, S. 188 (short message in the heading "Register" under "Professional")
  2. Groups sympathetic to the KBW were only accepted into the organization after a thorough ideological review
  3. (l., Communist group Worms): For the separation of church and state. Event for a parish vicar to leave the church in Worms. In: Communist People's Newspaper No. 50 of December 18, 1975, p. 16
  4. uni-marburg.de: biography Kessler , viewed January 26, 2012.