2008 referendum in Lithuania

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2008 referendum
(in %)
The Ignalina nuclear power plant

The 2008 referendum in Lithuania on the question of the continued operation of the Ignalina nuclear power plant took place on October 12, 2008. At the same time, the first round of the 2008 parliamentary elections was held in Lithuania . The referendum was not legally binding on the government .


Originally, in the course of accession in 2003, the EU had obliged Lithuania to close the Ignalina nuclear power plant. One reactor has already been shut down and the remaining one should follow in the next year. But the country of Lithuania was against the shutdown of the power plant. In July 2008, the Lithuanian parliament finally passed a referendum on an extension of the term with a large majority. Even if the referendum was not binding, the MPs still hoped for a strong argumentation aid. At the time, many Lithuanians also feared that the shutdown of the power plant would make their country even more dependent on Russian energy supplies.


The question asked in the referendum was the following:

"Pritariu, kad Ignalinos atominės elektrinės darbas būtų pratęstas iki techniškai saugių terminų, bet ne ilgiau, negu kol bus pastatyta nauja atominė elektrinė"

"I am voting in favor of the Ignalina nuclear power plant being extended to the end of the technically safe term, but no longer than until a new nuclear power plant has been built."


With a large majority of 91.40 percent of the votes, the voters spoke in favor of the continued operation of the power plant. Only 8.60 percent were against it. The turnout was only 48.43 percent. The referendum failed because the minimum voter turnout of 50 percent was not achieved.

Result of the 2008 referendum in Lithuania
selection be right
number %
Yes 1,156,738 91.40
No 108,798 8.60
total 1,265,536 100.00
Valid votes 1,265,536 96.92
Invalid votes 40,249 3.08
voter turnout 1,305,825 48.43
Registered voters 2,696,090 100.00
Source: Central Electoral Commission of the Republic of Lithuania

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Official result of the 2008 referendum Central Electoral Commission of the Republic of Lithuania (English)
  2. Lithuania wants to prevent the closure of its nuclear power plant with a referendum euronews , July 14, 2008
  3. http://www3.lrs.lt/pls/inter3/dokpaieska.showdoc_e?p_id=324562