Bech-Bodson government

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Joseph Bech was Prime Minister of Luxembourg from 1926 to 1937 and again from 1953 to 1958 .

The Bech-Bodson government (alternative name: Bech IV government (1953 to 1954) and Bech V government (1954 to 1958)) was formed in Luxembourg by Prime Minister Joseph Bech of the Chrëschtlech Vollekspartei (CSV) on December 29, 1953, after the previous Prime Minister Pierre Dupong died on December 23, 1953. After the chamber election on May 30, 1954 , the government was reshuffled on June 29, 1954. It replaced the Dupong-Schaus-Bodson government and remained in office until it was replaced by the Peace Government on March 29, 1958. The government included representatives of the Chrëschtlech Sozial Vollekspartei (CSV) and the Lëtzebuerger Sozialistesch Aarbechterpartei (LSAP).


Cabinet Bech IV (1953 to 1954)

The following ministers were members of the government:

Office Official Political party Beginning of the term of office Term expires
Prime Minister , Minister of State Joseph Bech CSV December 29, 1953 June 29, 1954
Foreign Minister and Foreign Trade Minister Joseph Bech CSV December 29, 1953 June 29, 1954
Minister for Agriculture and Viticulture Joseph Bech CSV December 29, 1953 June 29, 1954
Minister of Education and Minister of the Interior Pierre peace CSV December 29, 1953 June 29, 1954
Minister for Family and Public Health Pierre peace CSV December 29, 1953 June 29, 1954
Minister of Justice, Minister of Public Works and Minister of Transport Victor Bodson LSAP December 29, 1953 June 29, 1954
Minister for Labor, Social Security and Mining Nicolas Biever LSAP December 29, 1953 June 29, 1954
Minister for Social Welfare Nicolas Biever LSAP December 29, 1953 June 29, 1954
Minister for Economy and Reconstruction Michel Rasquin LSAP December 29, 1953 June 29, 1954
Finance Minister and Defense Minister Pierre Werner CSV December 29, 1953 June 29, 1954

Cabinet Bech V (1954 to 1958)

The following ministers were members of the government:

Office Official Political party Beginning of the term of office Term expires
Prime Minister , Minister of State Joseph Bech June 29, 1954 March 29, 1958
Foreign Minister and Foreign Trade Minister Joseph Bech CSV June 29, 1954 March 29, 1958
Minister of Education and Minister of the Interior Pierre peace CSV June 29, 1954 March 29, 1958
Minister for Family and Public Health Pierre peace CSV June 29, 1954 March 29, 1958
Minister of Justice, Minister of Public Works and Minister of Transport Victor Bodson LSAP June 29, 1954 March 29, 1958
Minister for Labor, Social Security and Mining Nicolas Biever LSAP June 29, 1954 March 29, 1958
Minister for Social Welfare Nicolas Biever LSAP June 29, 1954 March 29, 1958
Economics Minister Michel Rasquin
Paul Wilwertz
June 29, 1954
February 11, 1958
January 20, 1958
March 29, 1958
Finance Minister and Defense Minister Pierre Werner CSV June 29, 1954 March 29, 1958
Minister of Agriculture and Minister of Public Health Emile Colling CSV June 29, 1954 March 29, 1958

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