Reinhard Weißhuhn

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Reinhard Weißhuhn, 2015

Reinhard Weißhuhn (born April 4, 1951 in Dresden ) is a former representative of the civil rights movement in the GDR . Employees of the Bundestag parliamentary group Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen .

Life and politics

Reinhard Weißhuhn grew up in Saxony and Weimar. His father was a journalist and his mother was a librarian. After high school in Weimar studied Weißhuhn 1969-1973 at the city's College of Architecture and Urban Planning. Then he was a city planner in the council of the Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg district . The SED state reacted to its independent cultural work in the residential area, the exchange with Central Eastern European artists and its involvement in the opposition with disabilities at work and further restrictions on its freedom of movement.

Since 1975 he has worked with György Dalos on the recommendation of Jürgen Fuchs . In 1978 the Ministry of State Security opened an operational case against him. In the same year he switched to the GDR Building Academy , where he was able to work as a research engineer for documentation for a few more years. During these years he translated texts of the Hungarian opposition for German publications and organized readings in East Berlin. In 1985 he became an architect at the Diakonisches Werk .

He is one of the founders of the Initiative for Peace and Human Rights (IFM) and has spent the last years of the GDR with Gerd Poppe important publication of the opposition (including: grenzfall , fußnote³ and Ostkreuz ) edited and coordinated joint statements of the Central and Eastern European anti-Communist resistance. With the opening of the IFM in March 1989, he was a member of the board of the civil rights association and its press spokesman. In 1990 he represented the IFM at the central round table . In the democratically elected People's Chamber he was an employee of the Alliance 90 faction . He then moved to the German Bundestag as a foreign policy employee for his party . Initially as an employee for Gerd Poppe, later for Joschka Fischer and the parliamentary group. In 1992 he was a member of the Alliance 90 negotiating group for the preparation of the Association Treaty with the Greens . In 1993 he co-authored the Alliance Green Europe Program. Human rights issues and the protection of minorities are the main themes of his political commitment. Weißhuhn has been on the board of the Robert Havemann Society since 2009 .


  • Translation of works by György Dalo, nineteen eighty-five. A historical report. , Berlin 1982 and together with Elisabeth Käsbauer Short course long march , Berlin 1985.
  • Reinhard Weißhuhn (ed.), Rock collection . Festschrift for Gerd Poppe, Berlin 1991.
  • Wolfgang Templin / Reinhard Weißhuhn: Initiative Peace and Human Rights. In: Müller-Enbergs, Schulz and Wiegohs (eds.): From illegality to parliament. Career and concepts of the new citizen movements. Berlin 1992, 148-165.
  • Reinhard Weißhuhn: The Influence of the West German Parties on the Development of Resistant Behavior in the GDR in the Eighties , in: Materials of the Enquete Commission Processing of the History and Consequences of the SED dictatorship in Germany (12th electoral period of the German Bundestag), Baden-Baden 1995, Volume VII, 2, 1853-1949.
  • Reinhard Weißhuhn: Citizens' Movement in the GDR and Ostpolitik in the Federal Republic , in: trade union monthly magazines 1994, 406-413.
  • Reinhard Weißhuhn: What has remained - and why not? , in: Werner Schulz (ed.): The alliance case. Political perspectives 10 years after the founding of Bündnis 90. Bremen 2001, 173–178.
  • Reinhard Weißhuhn: Biographical articles on Bärbel Bohley , Martin Böttger , Christian Dietrich and Thomas Kretschmer (civil rights activist) , in: Ilko-Sascha Kowalczuk , Tom Sello (ed.): For a free country with free people . Opposition u. Resistance in biographies a. Photos. Berlin 2006
  • Reinhard Weißhuhn: Contacts and cooperation between the GDR and Hungarian opposition. In: Bernd Florath (Ed.): The year of the revolution 1989. The democratic revolution in Eastern Europe as a transnational caesura (analyzes and documents. Scientific series of the Federal Commissioner for the Documents of the State Security Service of the former German Democratic Republic (BStU), Volume 34), Göttingen 2011 , 187-196.


Individual evidence

  1. Biogram also in the internet exhibition Youth Opposition and Biogram of the Foundation Processing ( online )