Richard Egenter

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Richard Egenter (born May 3, 1902 in Ulm ; † February 11, 1981 in Munich ) was a German Roman Catholic moral philosopher, moral theologian and university professor.


Egenter studied philosophy and theology and a doctorate in 1925 with a thesis on the psychology of knowledge Giles of Rome Dr. Phil., The theological doctorate followed in 1929 with a thesis on friendship with God. The doctrine of friendship with God in scholasticism and mysticism of the 12th and 13th centuries.

Egenter was ordained a priest on June 29, 1929 by Michael Faulhaber in Freising. At first he worked as a temporary priest at the so-called clerical seminar in Freising , then as a prefect and lecturer. He was involved in the youth organization Bund New Germany . Because of these activities, his house was searched several times (including on January 25, 1938 by the Gestapo) and documents were confiscated. He was also subject to postal surveillance. On March 27, 1944, he was banned from teaching as a volunteer religion teacher at the municipal high school for girls in Passau.

He was appointed associate professor for moral theology in Passau in 1932 and signed the confession of professors at German universities and colleges to Adolf Hitler in 1933 .

From 1945 he taught as a university professor in Munich until his retirement in 1968.

His students include a. his successor at the University of Munich Johannes Gründel and Robert Simon ; Also Franz Böckle and Joseph Ratzinger , the future Pope Benedict XVI., heard lectures by Egenter.

He lived in Stockdorf near Munich, where he also helped in pastoral care until the last years of his life. He died in 1981.

He was a member of the Catholic student union Rheno-Franconia Munich .



  • The cognitive psychology of Aegidius Romanus , Regensburg 1926 (also university thesis Munich, Phil. Diss., 1925)
  • Friendship with God. The doctrine of friendship with God in scholasticism and mysticism of the 12th and 13th centuries. Augsburg 1928 (and 1931) (at the same time university thesis Munich, Theol. Diss.).
  • Das Edle und der Christ , Munich 1935, 2., new edit. Edition Westheim b. Augsburg 1949,
  • Risk in Christ. Maria Ward and the idea of ​​Christian independence in Regensburg 1936.
  • From Christian honesty Munich 1937.
  • From the freedom of the children of God , Freiburg 1941, .2., Unchangeable. Edition Freiburg 1949,
  • Serenity. Letters to a friend , Kolmar in Alsace, 1943
  • Why do we do the good? (= Görres Library, Volume 3), Nuremberg 1946
  • (Ed.), From the Theology of Time , Regensburg, 1948.
  • On Simplicity (= Small Series Volume 1), Regensburg 1947
  • Kitsch and Christenleben , Ettal 1950, 2., new edit. Ettal 1958, licensed edition (= Arena-Taschenbuch Volume 59/60) Würzburg 1962, engl. Translation Nicolete Gray (ed.), Translated by Edward Quinn, The Desecration of Christ (= Compass Books Volume 18), London 1967.
  • Women's youth. Nature and grace , Ettal 1951.
  • with Wilhelm Indago, love in need of conscience. Doctor and priest speak to bride and groom , Würzburg 1955, 4th edition 1960, 5th, durchges. u. exp. Edition Würzburg 1962, 6th, revised. Aufl. Würzburg 1964 Dutch translation by Hans Wagemans, Liefde in gewetensnood. Arts en priester spreken met verloofden en Gehuwden , Bussum, 1957.
  • The Christian asceticism in the world: reflections on the right approach of our asceticism , Ettal 1956, 3rd edition 1957, Dutch translation by Hans Wagemans, De ascese van de Christen in de wereld. De weg naar een fertile ascese , Hilversum 1959.
  • Art and kitsch in literature , Munich 1958.
  • (Ed.), With Otto Pirner (Ed.) And Hubert Hofbauer (Ed.), Statio orbis. Eucharistic World Congress 1960 in Munich , Volume 1, Munich 1961.
  • (Ed.), With Otto Pirner (Ed.) And Hubert Hofbauer (Ed.), Statio orbis. 37th World Eucharistic Congress in Munich in 1960 , Volume 2, Documents, Munich 1961.
  • Christ and the saints in the artistic expression of the present (= studies and reports of the Catholic Academy in Bavaria, issue 22), Würzburg 1963.
  • with Paul Matussek , Ideology, Faith and Conscience: Discussion at the Border between Moral Theology and Psychotherapy Munich, Zurich 1965, Complete Edition (= Knaur Pocket Books Volume 184), Munich, Zurich 1968.
  • Wir Alten, heute , S (ank) t Ottilien 1972, 2nd edition S [ank] t Ottilien 1974, 4th edition S (ank) t Ottilien 1988, ISBN 3-920289-01-3 .
  • Aging and Age S (ank) t Ottilien 1974, 2nd edition S (ank) t Ottilien 1988, ISBN 3-920289-55-2 , Italian edition translated by Armido Rizzi, Sulla vecchiaia , Brescia 1976.
  • Experience is life. About the role of experience for the moral and religious life of the Christian , ( Rudolf Hofmann on his 70th birthday) (= Pfeiffer work books No. 124, Dept. of spiritual life), Munich 1974, ISBN 3-7904-0147-1 .
  • The patient and his neighbor S (ank) t Ottilien 1977, ISBN 3-88096-027-5 .
  • Deal with each other. Pluralism in the Church, Mission and Opportunity 1st Edition Munich 1978, ISBN 3-7698-0330-2 .
  • Adoration of saints, ballast or need for today's spirituality , S (ank) t Ottilien 1979, ISBN 3-88096-044-5 .
  • (Ed.), Michaela Pilters (Ed.) And Knut Walf (Ed.). Human rights in the church with contributions by Richard Egenter, (This volume is based on a series of broadcasts by Hessischer Rundfunk with the same title) Düsseldorf 1980, ISBN 3-491-77832-8

Contribution to collective works

  • The idea of ​​friendship with God in the 14th century , in: Albert Lang, Josef Lechner, Michael Schmaus , From the Spiritual World of the Middle Ages. Studies and texts, Martin Grabmann dedicated to the completion of his 60th birthday by friends and students (= contributions to the philosophy and theology of the Middle Ages, Supplementary Volume III), Verlag Aschendorff, Münster 1935, pp. 1021-1036.


  • Common debt or criminal liability , in: ders .: From the theology of the time. Regensburg, 1948, 114-136.
  • Organ Transplantation in Light of Biblical Ethics , 1964, 142–153


Literature on Richard Egenter

  • Emil Janik, clergy and monasteries of the Diocese of Passau in the Third Reich , Passau 1980, 15f.
  • Herbert W. Wurster, On the history of the Diocese of Passau in the Third Reich , in: Ostbayrische Grenzmarken, year 28, 1986, 279f.
  • Johannes Gründel (Ed.), Humanum. Festschrift for Richard Egenter , Düsseldorf 1972 ,.
  • Georgine Lerch, Richard Egenter. Leben und Werk , Regensburg 2000, (= Studies on the History of Catholic Moral Theology, Volume 36) (Hochschulschrift Zugl .: München, Univ., Diss., 1999), ISBN 3-7917-1701-4 .
  • Karl Rahner , review of Richard Egenter and Paul Matussek : Ideology, Faith and Conscience , first print in: Medical Clinic, year 61, 1966, page 282f.

Individual evidence

  1. Johannes Gründel: Egenter, Richard. In: LThK 3 3.463
  2. ( Page no longer available , search in web archives: About the activities of Egenters at the Bund Neudeutschland )@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /

Web links