Robert Carle

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Robert Carle (born March 11, 1892 in Böckingen , † April 27, 1952 in Weinsberg ) was a German painter , modeler , sculptor and medalist .


Carle was the son of the Böckingen master baker Robert Carle, who owned the Palme restaurant . After attending elementary school , he did an apprenticeship as a draftsman and modeler at the Peter Bruckmann & Söhne silverware factory in neighboring Heilbronn from 1906 to 1909 . He showed talent and received a scholarship to study at the Villa Massimo in Rome , which he broke off after the outbreak of the First World War because he had to do military service as a soldier.

After the war ended, he returned to work at Bruckmann in 1919. He took part in competitions and received first prize in 1920 for the design of a commemorative medal Die Schwarze Schande , which appeared because of the occupation of the Rhineland , and in 1923 first prize for designs of Heilbronn emergency coins , which were minted by Bruckmann. Carles designs for Rentenmark coins of 5, 10 and 25 Rentenpfennigen were purchased in 1924. He also created designs for war memorials , which were also purchased but were not executed due to inflation in 1914 to 1923 .

From 1925 Carle was a freelance artist and traveled through Italy , Switzerland and northern France for further training . In 1930 he returned to Böckingen and worked as a landscape , town and portrait painter as well as a sculptor, made handicraft items such as candlesticks and jewelry and also turned to tomb art. From 1930 to 1935 he took part in the annual exhibitions of the Württemberg Art Association in Stuttgart and the Heilbronn Art Association . In 1935 he was checked by the Reich Chamber of Fine Arts , who disliked the style of his landscapes and cityscapes. Carle then limited himself to still life , portraits and handicrafts.

During the Second World War , Carle was called up for security and emergency services . In March 1945 he was dismissed from the service because of an eye problem and first came to see his sister Elise, married. Kühnle, under. He worked again as an artist and created a. a. Pictures of the destroyed Heilbronn. On November 12, 1949 he married the Weinberger music teacher Maria Naujoks and moved to the vineyard, where he died 1952nd He was buried in the Weinsberg cemetery.

Publicly owned works

The city of Heilbronn acquired four Carles oil paintings with Böckinger motifs: Am Böckinger See , Backofengäßle , Kiesgrube and Destroyed Schuchmann'sche Brewery (1945). The Staatsgalerie Stuttgart owns the oil painting From My Window (1932).


  • Manfred Tripps : Carle, Robert . In: General Artist Lexicon . The visual artists of all times and peoples (AKL). Volume 16, Saur, Munich a. a. 1997, ISBN 3-598-22756-6 , p. 406.
  • Erwin Fuchs : Böckinger in art and culture. In: Peter Wanner (Red.): Böckingen am See. A district of Heilbronn - yesterday and today. Heilbronn City Archives, Heilbronn 1998, ISBN 3-928990-65-9 ( Publications of the Heilbronn City Archives. Volume 37), pp. 479–496, especially pp. 487–488.