Robert Hinz

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Robert Hinz (born April 7, 1929 ) is a German forester . After decades of forest activity in the service of the Evangelical Church in the GDR , he was head of the Brandenburg State Forestry Administration from 1991 to 1994 , which he helped to build up. Hinz is one of those forest people who accepted personal disadvantages for reasons of conscience in the GDR , which only granted limited religious freedom .

Live and act

More than three decades in church service

Robert Hinz, son of a forester from Wörmlitz near Möckern , first completed the mandatory practical training in the post-war years, which consisted of a forestry apprenticeship in Saxony-Anhalt and attending the forestry school in Ballenstedt . In 1950 he began studying forestry at the Humboldt University in Berlin and Eberswalde . There, the connection to the young community and to an Eberswalde parsonage set the trend for his future life.

After studying forestry, he did not pursue a career within the GDR state forest administration, but worked in the forest administration of the Evangelical Church in the GDR for more than 30 years . From 1958 to 1990 he headed the Brandenburg Cathedral Forestry Office in Seelensdorf on the Nauener Platte as cathedral forest master . Bishop Albrecht Schönherr had achieved a certain amount of leeway to set up an independent church forest administration outside the state forest administration , which Hinz and his superior, Hans-Joachim Bormeister , knew how to use.

This included silvicultural action in the classic arrow-like sense of the “iron law of the local”. Hinz demonstrated a masterly hand and also gave the pine - natural rejuvenation a due place. The Domstiftsforstamt was also very successful economically. Even after the difficult situation after the hurricane in 1972 , he was able to achieve a positive operating result by building a sawmill . His social commitment, fed by Christian charity, was also significant. As a result, displaced persons received fully furnished houses, which were triggered with donations through pulpit dismissals . As head of the Domstiftsforst Seelensdorf, Hinz also made it possible for disabled people to receive long-term work therapy in forest work . This not only gave those affected and their carers new courage to face life and new hope, but also resulted in considerable care effects for the forest.

Development of the state forest administration of Brandenburg

After the reunification , the politically unencumbered got the call to actively participate in the development of the state forest administration of Brandenburg. Hinz accepted and was appointed state forest manager in 1991 with the rank of state forest master and later Oberland forest master. During the following years he participated in the development of the Brandenburg State Forest and State Hunting Act as well as the State Forest Program. The core of this was forest conversion , for which Hinz brought in his silvicultural experience. It was the largest conversion program in a country with over one million hectares of forest in the history of regulated forestry . Then there was the new beginning in terms of personnel. In the course of a consistent personnel policy, it was also important to take into account the often difficult human-personal aspects. He also played a major role in the so-called “Brandenburg Model”, which was supposed to give the federal state a flexible, but at the same time socially secure forest structure.m Other problem areas were coping with the consequences of a drought of the century and forest fires , low timber sales, excessive wild populations and threatening Conflicts between nature conservation and forestry in the biosphere reserves of Brandenburg. At the beginning of April 1994, Hinz retired.

Even after his retirement he continued to work in an advisory capacity, including for a state institution for the privatization of former military training areas . For the book Der Brandenburger Dom und die Dörfer (2004) he contributed a contribution about the development of the Domstiftswald.


For his exemplary forest management as well as his achievements in the short-term development of the state forest administration of Brandenburg, the Alfred Toepfer Foundation FVS Robert Hinz awarded on May 7, 1993 in the "House of Love" of the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg with the Wilhelm-Leopold- Arrow price off. Hinz was the first arrow prize winner from the state of Brandenburg, where Wilhelm Pfeil founded the forest science "Eberswalder School" in the middle of the 19th century . His social and forestry commitment received a further appreciation on December 22nd, 1994 when he was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon , which Prime Minister Manfred Stolpe presented to him during a ceremony. Before that, the state forest administration had organized an honorary colloquium for its former boss on the occasion of his retirement on April 21, 1994 .

On the occasion of his 70th birthday, the former cathedral forest master was given a celebration with an organ vesper in the Brandenburg Cathedral . On the occasion of the celebration of Hinz's 75th birthday with lectures, Former Bishop Schönherr held a prayer in the Brandenburg Cathedral.


"The best foresters belong in the forest!"

- Robert Hinz : 1993

"The farms must be manageable and should have an economically viable size."

- Robert Hinz : 1993

"The hectic pace of our time should be kept away from the forest."

- Robert Hinz : 1993

"Don't follow short-term fashions, maintain consistency."

- Robert Hinz : 1993


  • Friedhelm Hennig: OLFm Robert Hinz for the 70th In: AFZ / DerWald. General forest journal for forest management and environmental protection . 54th year, issue 11/1999, pp. 598-599, ISSN  1430-2713
  • Collective of authors: Awarded the Wilhelm Leopold Pfeil Prize 1993 by the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg i. Br. To Oberlandforstmeister Robert Hinz, Potsdam, (…) on May 7, 1993 in Freiburg i. Br. FVS Foundation, Hamburg 1993, 57 pp.
  • Bernd-Gunther Encke: Wilhelm-Leopold-Pfeil-Preis 1993 for state forest master Robert Hinz . In: AFZ. General forest journal for forest management and environmental protection . 48th year, issue 12/1993, p. 624, ISSN  0936-1294
  • Hans-Jürgen Wegener : Oberlandforstmeister Hinz 70 years . In: Forst und Holz , Volume 54, Issue 10/1999, p. 317, ISSN  0932-9315
  • Klaus Höppner: A colloquium in honor of chief forest master Robert Hinz . In: Forst und Holz , Volume 49, Issue 13/1994, pp. 376–377, ISSN  0932-9315

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j Bernd-Gunther Encke: Wilhelm-Leopold-Pfeil-Preis 1993 for state forest master Robert Hinz . In: AFZ. General forest journal for forest management and environmental protection . 48th year, issue 12/1993, p. 624, ISSN  0936-1294
  2. Hans-Jürgen Wegener: Oberlandforstmeister Hinz 70 years . In: Forst und Holz , Volume 54, Issue 10/1999, p. 317, ISSN  0932-9315
  3. Friedhelm Hennig: OLFm Robert Hinz 70th in: AFZ / Derwald. General forest journal for forest management and environmental protection . 54th year, issue 11/1999, pp. 598-599, ISSN  1430-2713
  4. Friedhelm Hennig: OLFm Robert Hinz 70th in: AFZ / Derwald. General forest journal for forest management and environmental protection . 54th year, issue 11/1999, pp. 598-599, ISSN  1430-2713
  5. ^ NN: Oberlandforstmeister Robert Hinz retired . In: Wald , Volume 44, Issue 7/1994, p. 249, ISSN  0863-4807
  6. Friedhelm Hennig: OLFm Robert Hinz 70th in: AFZ / Derwald. General forest journal for forest management and environmental protection . 54th year, issue 11/1999, pp. 598-599, ISSN  1430-2713
  7. Klaus Höppner: Federal Cross of Merit for Olfm. a. D. Robert Hinz . In: Forst und Holz , Volume 50, Issue 2/1995, p. 61, ISSN  0932-9315