Roderich von Stotzingen

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Roderich Freiherr von Stotzingen (born May 1, 1822 in Steißlingen , † March 23, 1893 ibid) was a Baden landowner and politician.


Roderich of Stotzingen attended from 1832 to 1840, the high schools in Konstanz and Mannheim . He then studied in Heidelberg , Freiburg and Berlin . Later he took over the management of his estates in Steißlingen and Wiechs .

From 1851 to 1866 he was a member of the First Chamber of the Baden Estates Assembly and from 1868 to 1870 he was a member of the Baden 1 constituency ( Konstanz , Überlingen , Stockach ) in the customs parliament , where he represented the Greater German direction. Roderich von Stotzingen is considered a co-founder of political Catholicism in Baden.

He was married to Caroline Marie Countess von Rechberg and Rothenlöwen zu Hohenrechberg (1842–1926).

The eldest son Albrecht von Stotzingen (1864–1938) continued his father's political work. The younger son Fidelis von Stotzingen (1871–1947) was a Benedictine and 1901–1913 abbot of the Maria Laach monastery ; from 1913 to 1947 he was the Abbot Primate of the Benedictine Confederation (head of all Benedictines worldwide).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Genealogical website (persons no. 56 and 57)
  2. Biographical page on Abbot Primate Fidelis von Stotzingen