Roger Milliex

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Roger Milliex , Greek Ροζιέ Μιλλιέξ , also Ροζέ Μιλιέξ , (born July 4, 1913 in Marseille ; † July 6, 2006 ) was a French teacher and neo-Greekist .

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Milliex, son of the locksmith Jean Milliex and his wife Marie, née Gellon, attended the Lycée Saint-Charles and the Lycée Thiers in Marseille and then studied Classical Philology and Philosophy at the University of Aix-en-Provençe and the Sorbonne . After the agrégation he received a position as a teacher at the Collège Albert-de-Mun in Nogent-sur-Marne (1935-1936).

In 1936 he switched to teaching French and philosophy at the Institut français d'Athènes . At that time, the institute was headed by Octave Merlier . The two committed themselves with all their might for the Franco-Greek cultural relations and promoted Greek writers and artists.

In 1940 he was mobilized by the French army in Beirut. After the French defeat, he returned to Athens and supported the free French there in 1940/1941. He hid resistance fighters several times in the building of the Institut français d'Athènes. After a short stay in France, he joined the Εθνικό Απελευθερωτικό Μέτωπο Ethnikó Apeleftherotikó Métopo , the National Liberation Front in 1942 . During this time he was friends with Rudolf Fahrner , the head of the German Scientific Institute in Athens . Together with Merlier, he organized the flight of Greek intellectuals from the monarchist regime on the ship Mataroa in early 1945 .

In 1941 he was appointed Secrétaire général of the Institut français d'Athènes, in 1946 deputy director. Before that, however, he had been on leave from August 1945 to June 1946 because the monarchist government refused his entry. In 1948, during the Greek Civil War , he translated the Memorandum of the National Liberation Front for submission to the United Nations .

In 1959 he was established in 1960 as a cultural officer for the cultural attaché of the French embassy in Nicosia on Cyprus appointed. At the same time he was founding director of the Center culturel français de Nicosie (1960–1971). From there he opposed the military dictatorship (1967–1974) in Greece.

In 1971 he took over the management of the Center culturel franco-italien Galliera in Genoa , Italy, until 1975 . In the academic year 1974–1975 he was a lecturer in Modern Greek at the University of Genoa . In 1975, after the fall of the military dictatorship, he returned to Greece.

During his retirement he worked as a journalist for the Christian left for French, Greek and Cypriot newspapers and was involved in the political representation of the French abroad.

In 1982 Milliex was admitted to the Academy of Athens as a corresponding member, in 1986 to the Academy of Marseille and as an honorary member of the Society of Greek Writers. He was an associate member of the Académie du Var and elected delegate in the Conseil supérieur des Français de l'étranger pour la Grèce, Chypre, Malte et la Turquie (1982–1985). Finally he was a member of the Association des amis de Nicos Kazantzakis and the Société d'études néo-helléniques.

Milliex married Tatiana Gritsi (1920-2005) in 1939 , who was to become a well-known Greek writer. They had two children (Jean-Michel and Magali).

The library of Roger Milliex and Tatiana Gritsi-Milliex was acquired by the Library of the University of Cyprus .



Milliex published various studies and articles on the fate of Greece during World War II, in which he actively participated in the resistance. He has also written numerous articles and lectures on the language and literature of Greece and on Franco-Greek and Franco-Cypriot relations.

Fonts (selection)

Font directory

  • Δαμιανός Π. Κοκκινίδης: Βιβλιογραφία Roger Milliex 1939–1999. Ελληνικό Λογοτεχνικό και Ιστορικό Αρχείο (Ε.Λ.Ι.Α.), Athens 2000.


  • A l'école du peuple grec (1940–1944). Ed. du Beffroi, Vichy 1946.
  • Études franco-grecques. 1. Coray et la civilization française = Ο Κοραής για το γαλλικό πολιτισμό . 2. Victor Hugo, constant ami de la Grèce = Ο Βίκτωρ Ουγκώ, ένας σταθερός φίλος της Ελλάδος . Athens 1953 (Collection de l'Institut français d'Athènes, 77).
  • Mistral et la Grèce. L'Astrado, Toulon 1972.
  • Homage à la Grèce 1940–1944. 1979.
    • Greek version: Φόρος τιμής στην Ελλάδα 1940–1944. 1980.
  • Ημερολόγιο πολέμου και κατοχής στην Ελλάδα και άλλες μαρτυρίες. 1982.
  • Ο Ταΰγετος και η σιωπή. Μετάφραση: Νικηφόρος Βρεττάκος . Εισαγωγή Γεωργία Κακούρου-Χρόνη. Δημόσια Κεντρική Βιβλιοθήκη Σπάρτης, Sparta 1998.

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  • (Ed.) Chypre. Editions Nagel 1963. - Review by Charles Delvoye, L'Antiquité Classique 33, 1964, pp. 277-278, (online) .


  • L'Institut français d'Athènes, fils spirituel de l'École française. In: Bulletin de correspondance hellénique 120, 1996, pp. 69-82, (online) .
  • Universitaires et intellectuels de Grèce au service de la Resistance. Conference de M. Roger Milliex (November 7, 1945). Union française universitaire, Paris 1945.


  • Christophe Chiclet: Homage to Roger Milliex (1913-2006). In: Confluences Méditerranée 4, 2006 (N ° 59), pp. 189–190, (online) .
  • Ελληνογαλλικά. Αφιέρωμα στον Roger Milliex για τα πενήντα χρόνια της Ελληνικής παρουσίας του = Mélanges offerts à Roger Milliex pour ses cinquante années de présence grecque. Εταιρεία Ελληνικoύ Λογοτεχνικoύ και Ιστορικoύ Αρχείου (Ε.Λ.IA) / = Societé des Archives Littéraires et Historiques Hélleniques (ELIA), Athens 1990.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Frank-Rutger Hausmann : "Even in war the muses are not silent". The German Scientific Institutes in World War II. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2002, p. 253, (online)