Rudolf of Fulda

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Rudolf von Fulda (* before 800; † March 8, 865 in Fulda ) was a historian and theologian .


He had been working in the office of the Fulda Abbey since 812 and initially looked after its documents . He defied several of these documents, which should serve the permanent preservation of the important site. Around 822 he was appointed subdeacon and head of the convent school by Abbot Hrabanus Maurus , and in this function he enjoyed a high reputation among his students. In 827 he was ordained a priest . In 847 he followed the abbot, who had been appointed Archbishop of Mainz , to his new official residence, but returned to the monastery a short time later. There he was apparently also active as a painter and poet .


His share in the Annales Fuldenses antiquissimi is controversial, but presumably he wrote the section from 838–863 or at least led the supervision.

  • 836/838: Vita Leobae abbatissae Biscofesheimensis , the biography of Saint Lioba from Tauberbischofsheim .
  • approx. 842–847: Miracula sanctorum ecclesias Fuldensium translatorum . Vita Hrabani . This work describes the acquisition of various relics for the Fulda monastery by Hrabanus Maurus and Rudolf themselves.
  • 863–865: Introduction of the Translatio Sancti Alexandri . The main part, written by the monk Meginhard , describes the transfer of the bones of the martyr Alexander from Rome to Wildeshausen by Waltbraht, a grandson of Duke Widukind . The introduction (chapters 1–3) comes from Rudolf, in which he makes detailed remarks on the origin and way of life of the pagan Saxons as well as on the Saxon Wars . The presentation of the Saxon way of life (Chapters 2–3) is based on the corresponding statements in Germania by the Roman historian Tacitus , which Rudolf took over verbatim to a large extent. It is the only extensive use of Tacitus' Germania in medieval literature .
  • In addition, Rudolf advertised the report on the Saxon Wars from Einhard's " Vita Karoli Magni " (Chapter 3). Important information, which is only handed down here, is provided by Rudolf's comment on Irminsul , the main Saxon shrine (Chapter 3).


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Heinz Löwe: Wattenbach-Levison. Germany's historical sources in the Middle Ages. Vorzeit and Karolinger , No. 6 (see under literature) pp. 678–682, p. 686