Rybinsk Reservoir

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Rybinsk Reservoir
Rybinsk Reservoir NASA Visible Earth April 2002.jpg
Location: Yaroslavl Oblast , Vologda Oblast , Tver Oblast
Tributaries: Volga , Mologa , Suda , Sheksna , Sit , Uchra , Sogosha
Drain: Volga
Larger cities on the shore: Rybinsk , Cherepovets
Rybinsk Reservoir (Yaroslavl Oblast)
Rybinsk Reservoir
Coordinates 58 ° 22 '30 "  N , 38 ° 25' 4"  E Coordinates: 58 ° 22 '30 "  N , 38 ° 25' 4"  E
Data on the structure
Construction time: 1941-1947
Data on the reservoir
Altitude (at congestion destination ) 102  m
Water surface 4th 580  km²
Reservoir length 130 km
Reservoir width 60 km
Storage space 25th 400 000 000  m³
Catchment area 150 000  km²
Rybinsk Reservoir in April 2.jpg
Rybinsk Reservoir

The Rybinsk Reservoir ( Russian Рыбинское водохранилище / Rybinskoje vodochranilishche ), which is also called the Rybinsk Sea due to its enormous size (area 4580 km²; storage volume 25.4 billion m³) , is a reservoir on the Volga in Russia . It is part of the so-called Volga-Kama Cascade and the second largest reservoir in Europe after the Kuibyshev reservoir .

Planning for the construction of a reservoir began in 1935, and the power plant was built from 1941 to 1947.

In Rybinsk , around 280 km north of Moscow , the Volga and its tributary Scheksna were dammed by separate dams just before its mouth. The pent-up water masses flooded the river plains of the Volga, Scheksna and Mologa rivers and formed the Rybinsk Reservoir, which is a maximum of 60 km wide and around 110 km long. It is part of the Volga-Baltic Sea waterway, which connects the Volga with the Baltic Sea , and via which ships from the Caspian Sea can not only reach the Baltic Sea, but also to the White Sea via the Volga-Baltic Sea Canal that branches off to the north .

The water level is 18 m, so that the water level at normal water level is 102 m above sea level. The backwater extends to the previous barrage of the Volga in Uglich . Two cities disappeared under the water, around 700 rural communities and villages with 26,000 farms, 40 churches, three monasteries, dozens of former manors, not to mention the forests, meadows and fields. The Yaroslavl area lost about an eighth of its territory. 150,000 people had to be relocated. It is disputed whether 294 people who did not want to leave their homes and were partially chained, actually died when the city of Mologa was flooded. This was reported to his superior in a report from the head of the Mologa branch in Volgolag, Lieutenant of State Security Skljarov.

In addition to the Volga, which flows into the reservoir in the south and leaves it in the southeast, the Mologa in the northwest and the Suda and Scheksna in the north flow into the lake near Tscherepowez , with the Scheksna in Rybinsk a short distance below the dam flows into her old bed of the Volga.

The hydropower plant with an output of 330 MW is integrated into the Scheksna dam ( ), the locks for shipping are located on the Volga dam ( )

Ivan Papanin , long-time director of the Institute for Biology of Reservoirs in Borok on the south bank of the lake, examined the problem of overfishing and its sustainable use using the example of the Rybinsk Reservoir .

See also

Web links

Commons : Rybinsk Reservoir  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Article Rybinsk Reservoir in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D098391~2a%3D~2b%3DRybinsker%20 Reservoir
  2. Rybinsk Reservoir in the State Water Register of the Russian Federation (Russian)