Sandy areas between Mannheim and Sandhausen

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FFH area
"sand areas between Mannheim and Sandhausen"
Hirschacker and Dossenwald nature reserve

Hirschacker and Dossenwald nature reserve

location City districts of Mannheim and Heidelberg as well as four cities and municipalities in the Rhein-Neckar district in Baden-Württemberg , Germany
Identifier DE-6617-341
WDPA ID 555521625
Natura 2000 ID DE6617341
FFH area 17.74 km²
Geographical location 49 ° 26 '  N , 8 ° 33'  E Coordinates: 49 ° 25 '43 "  N , 8 ° 33' 21"  E
Sandy areas between Mannheim and Sandhausen (Baden-Württemberg)
Sandy areas between Mannheim and Sandhausen
Setup date January 1, 2005
administration Karlsruhe Regional Council

The FFH area sand areas between Mannheim and Sandhausen is a protected area (protected area identifier DE-6617-341) registered in 2005 by the Karlsruhe regional council in accordance with Directive 92/43 / EEC (Fauna-Flora-Habitat Directive ) in the German state of Baden- Württemberg . With the ordinance of the regional council of Karlsruhe on the definition of areas of community importance of October 12, 2018, the protected area was established.


The approximately 1774 hectare FFH area belongs to the natural areas 223- Hardtebenen , 224- Neckar-Rhein-Ebene and 225- Hessische Rheinebene within the natural spatial main unit 22- Northern Upper Rhine Lowland . It lies between Walldorf and the Mannheim district of Blumenau and extends over the markings of six cities and communities.

Rhein-Neckar district:

Description and purpose of protection

These are well-preserved, late and post-glacial inland dunes and drifting sand fields with extensive pine forests and unique grassy sand communities with their typical plant and animal species.

Habitat classes

(general characteristics of the area) (percentage of total area)

Information according to the standard data sheet from the Official Journal of the European Union

N06 - inland waters (standing and flowing)
1 %
N09 - dry grassland, steppes
1 %
N10 - Moist and mesophilic grassland
N15 - Other farmland
N16 - deciduous forest
N17 - coniferous forest
N23 - Others

Habitat types

According to Appendix 1 of the ordinance of the Karlsruhe Regional Council on the definition of areas of Community importance (FFH ordinance) of October 12, 2018, the following habitat types according to Annex I of the Habitats Directive occur in the area:

Habitat type (official name) Short name Hectares
2310 Dry sandy heaths with Calluna and Genista Inland dunes with heather 3.00
2330 Dunes with open grassy areas with Corynephorus and Agrostis Inland dunes with grasslands 12.56
6120 Dry, calcareous sandy lawns Blue schiller grass lawn 22.15
6510 Lean lowland hay meadows (Alopecurus pratensis, Sanguisorba officinalis) Lean, lowland hay meadows 2.26
9110 Grove beech forest (Luzulo-Fagetum) Grove beech forest 19.80
9130 Woodruff beech forest (Asperulo-Fagetum) Woodruff beech forest 26.00
9160 Subatlantic or Central European Pedunculate Oak Forest or Oak-Hornbeam Forest (Carpinion betuli) Chickweed-oak-hornbeam forest 2.60
9170 Bedstraw-oak-hornbeam forest Galio-Carpinetum Bedstraw-oak-hornbeam forest 6.90
9190 Old acidic oak forests on sandy plains with Quercus robur Acid oak forests on sandy plains 3.43
91U0 Pine forests of the Sarmatian steppe Steppe pine forests 3.39

Contiguous protected areas

The FFH area consists of numerous sub-areas. It is largely congruent with several landscape protection areas and the nature reserves :

See also

Web links