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Spoken in

Settlement area of ​​the Sathmar Swabians:
Romania (districts Satu Mare , Bihor , Sălaj and Maramureș )
Hungary (communities Vállaj , Mérk and Zajta )
speaker about 200

Sathmarschwäbisch (proper name: Schwǫbisch , Romanian : Şvaba sătmăreană , Hungarian : Szatmari sváb ), the dialect of the Donauschwaben counting Sathmar Swabians . It is in the settlement area of Satu Mare Swabians in Satu Mare area (around Großkarol / Carei and Satu Mare / Satu Mare ) and in the counties of Bihor , Salaj and Maramures in the north-west of Romania and in the three communities Wallei ( Vállaj ) , Memory( Mérk ) and Saiten ( Zajta ) are spoken in northeastern Hungary . It belongs to the Swabian-Alemannic dialects and is similar to the Upper Swabian dialect from the region around Biberach and Ravensburg . The Swabian dialect from Bad Schussenried or its southeastern town of Otterswang is most similar to Sathmarschwäbischen .

Sathmarschwäbisch is spoken today only by the older generation and is increasingly being displaced by the Hungarian and Romanian languages ​​in everyday life. The dialect is therefore considered to be directly endangered and could soon become extinct.

Distribution map showing the proportion of Romanian Germans in the population (2011 census). The orange and yellow colored fields in northwest Romania belong to the Sathmarschwäbischen language area.


The Sathmar Swabians are descendants of the farmers who immigrated mainly from Upper Swabia in the 18th century . Between 1712 and 1815 Count Alexander Károlyi and his descendants recruited colonists from the Kingdom of Württemberg . Many emigrants came from today's districts of Ravensburg and Biberach .

Regional differences

The area around Sathmar and Großkarol is almost uniformly shaped by Upper Swabia. Nevertheless, there is an Alemannic dialect in Kriegsdorf ( Hodod ) , which is similar to that in Saderlach ( Zădăreni ) in the Banat , whereas in Neupalota a Palatine-Moselle-Franconian dialect is spoken, which is similar to Banat Swabian . In Großtarna ( Tarna Mare ) and Batartsch ( Bătarci ) a Bavarian-Austrian dialect is spoken, which is related to that of the Zipser in Oberwischau ( Vișeu de Sus ) .

Furthermore, there are differences in the pronunciation of some words from place to place:

eye crow Handkerchief
Shame Aage Graa Snuff i achle
Sukunden eye Grej Halst i achle


Sathmar Swabian primarily has the characteristics of Swabian, supplemented by some special features: Striking primary sound and form phenomena of Swabian were often replaced by dialect characteristics of the Franconian or Bavarian settlers.

The following features are characteristic of all dialects of Sathmarschwäbischen:

  • Diminutive suffix -li (pl. Also -lin): en Äpfeli, Maidli, Wiebli ‚Weiblein '(in Erdeed and the Buchengebirge -le (-lin) : Bäsle, Mädle, Gätterle‚ Gassentürchen')
  • st also appears internally and externally as scht : luschtege Schwobe, Wurscht, he isch (t)
  • The dative is indicated by inserting an i , for example: Mr. hond's i ihr gia (we gave it to her) or: Se gait i de Saue Beer (she gives the pigs corn berries).
  • Words that begin with e are prefixed with a j . For example: eat jeassa, something jeames or jeapes.
  • Unit plural on -et : mer, you, she: chatter, winch, sing
  • Insertion of a weak i before an e: Feld Fieald, Weg Wieag, Nest Niearst, Leder Lieader, her hiear ,self siealber. The i is spoken briefly.
  • Preservation of the diphthongs and triphthongs: ie, iea, ue, ui, oi, uoi, uei : siëß, diëane, Fiëanschter, liëab, guat, luege, hui 'heim', 's isch hoiß, i wuois it waa' I don't know what ', Stuoi' stone ', Flueisch' meat '
  • Intervocal plosives b, d, g are preserved: Schwobe, blibe, widr, fliage, Gwander
  • Shortening of the article leading to d ' : d'Mareibäs, d'Baure, d'Ohre
  • Shortened pronominal forms i 'ich', mi 'mich', where i also expresses the dative: i dieam Bauer 'dem Bauern'; likewise ui 'you' and ujer 'your'
  • The prefix overall fall before plosive from: brocht brought 'knows, known'. The Alemannic, as a subgroup of Swabian, has z. B. in Kriegsdorf or in the Banat Saderlach linguistic features of the Upper Rhine or Durlach settlers.
  • Most consistent p → pf shift, even in forms like: Seipfe
  • Shift of k → ch : Chopf, chrankch, Chriëslibluescht 'cherry blossom'
  • Preservation of the diphthongs ie, uo, üe and ei as: ia, ue, ia, ai ; Bliamli, Mueter, Briëdr
  • Old monophthongs: î, û, iu remain as ie, uu, ie : Huus ('house'), Hieser, Ziet
  • Verbal forms in e : bless 'say', you hesch 'you have', you het 'you have'

Compare with Swabian and Standard German

Sathmarschwäbisch Swabian Standard German
i i I
you you you
me me weather
it ned not
much vil much
White Woi Wine
Sucks Wurschd sausage
know able can
legend saga to say

Influences from other languages

The influence of the Hungarian on the Sathmarschwäbische dialect around Großkarol and the Romanian language especially in Erdeed , Sukunden , Unterhamroth and Burlescht is mainly limited to a few loanwords of the official, commercial and technical language as well as to the name property. Otherwise, the dialect of the Sathmar Swabians remained almost unaffected compared to Upper Swabian, which was ousted by High German, especially under the influence of the school.

Words borrowed from other languages:


Sathmarschwäbisch Romanian German
Temitz temniță Dungeon


Sathmarschwäbisch Hungarian German
Batsche bácsi uncle
Garille kerülő detour
Kontsche kancsó jug
Pokroz pokróc ceiling
Neither vödör bucket

Language example

Sathmarschwäbisch Standard German

Mr winches a golden table,
A every four corners a breaded fish,
Z'mitlede no red and white white,
That the cousin and the bass can be eaten.

We wish you a golden table,
a fried fish on all four corners,
a chilled red wine in the middle,
so that the cousin and the cousin are funny.

See also

Web links


  1. ↑ In contrast to Sathmarschwäbisch, Banatschwäbisch is not a Swabian dialect , but a dialect close to the Palatinate and Saarland .
  2. In High German also the cousin and the cousin

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Sathmar Swabian. In: Austrian Academy of Sciences. Accessed July 31, 2021 .
  2. ^ A b Hans Gehl: The Sathmarschwäbischen dialects and their language carriers. In: Institutul de Filologie Română "A. Philippide ”, accessed July 31, 2021 .
  3. Klarisza Koroknai, Anetta-Stefania Szakaszti National College Kölcsey Ferenc Sathmar: Sathmarer Swabians: On all four corners a fried fish . In: FAZ.NET . ISSN  0174-4909 ( [accessed July 31, 2021]).
  4. a b c d Helmut Berner: The dialect of the Sathmarer Swabians along with some of their peculiarities. September 24, 2015, accessed July 31, 2021 .
  5. ^ Csilla-Anna Szabó: Speech contact phenomena in the Sathmarschwabian village of Petrifeld. In: Mirton Verlag, accessed August 1, 2021 .
  6. ^ District office Ravensburg : The Sathmar Swabians - The changeful fate of German settlers in northwest Romania ( memento of February 2, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) of October 17, 2010, accessed on May 20, 2010
  7. Sathmarer Schwaben - Nuremberg cultural advisory board for immigrant Germans. Accessed July 31, 2021 (German).