Schildower circle

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The Schildower Kreis is an expert network for the legalization of drugs . The spokesman for the Schildower Kreis is Lorenz Böllinger , professor emeritus for criminal law and criminology.


The main aim of the Schildower Kreis is to draw attention to the consequences of drug prohibition and to show alternatives to the current repressive drug policy . The circle criticizes the repressive drug policy of the UN and calls on those responsible in Germany (including the drug commissioner of the federal government ) to set up a commission of inquiry to determine the harm and benefits of drug policy scientifically and free of ideology.


The Schildowers wrote down their demands in their manifesto “Drug Prohibition: FAILED, HARMFUL and EXPENSIVE”. They consider the current drug policy (especially the ban on cannabis consumption) harmful to society, as it promotes crime and creates a black market . Prohibition is expensive because, on the one hand, prosecution costs money and the illegality does not generate any tax revenue. In prison mainly small sit dealer and addicts , because of drug-related crime were convicted. Prison is the wrong place for qualified help. Furthermore, the illegality prevents effective consumer protection and the consumers do not learn to be of drug age .

A total of 122 professors from the fields of criminal law and criminology have signed the manifesto. Together with the factions of the opposition parties of Die Linke and Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen , the Schildower Kreis wants to achieve a review of drug criminal law.


The members include professors for criminal law, educational sciences, administrative sciences, criminology and social pedagogy, as well as doctors and representatives of the German AIDS Help and the German Hemp Association .

Members are Gundula Barsch , Lorenz Böllinger , Horst Bossong , Bernd Dollinger , Johannes Feest , Henner Hess , Manfred Kappeler , Axel Klein , Uwe Maeffert , Wolfgang Nešković , Cornelius Nestler , Bettina Paul , Stephan Quensel , Sebastian Scheerer , Henning Schmidt-Semisch , Wolfgang Schneider , Heino Stöver , Hubert Wimber and Georg Wurth .

See also

Web links


  1. from April 6, 2013 (blog): Rauschkunde in picture and sound - Part 4: Schildower Kreis .
  2. Schildower Kreis - press release of March 10th, 2008: Expert committee: UN drug policy failed impressively ( Memento of September 24th, 2015 in the Internet Archive )
  3. Schildower Kreis - press release of November 24, 2009: Appeal to the Federal Government: Thinking about drug policy further - shaping decriminalization ( Memento from October 28, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  4. ^ Schildower Kreis: Manifesto
  5. a b Legal cannabis use? HR-online accessed on April 14, 2014
  6. ^ Heribert Prantl : Alliance for a Liberal Drug Criminal Law , Süddeutsche Zeitung, April 7, 2014
  7. Cannabis use in Germany: Criminal lawyers want to reform drug laws , Spiegel Online from April 7, 2014
  8. German Criminal Law Professors for Liberal Drug Laws , Der Standard, April 7, 2014