Haynau Castle

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Haynau Castle

The Haynau Castle ( Polish: Zamek Piastowski w Chojnowie ) is a castle in Chojnów (German Haynau ) in the Powiat Legnicki ( Liegnitz district ) in the Lower Silesian Voivodeship in Poland. Historically, the town castle, which was converted into a Renaissance castle from 1546–1547 , was temporarily the residence of the Duchy of Haynau .


A Gothic castle was built in 1329 on the site of a castellany , the burgrave of which is first documented in 1292. It was on the Via Regia Lusatiae Superioris in the southwest of the city. As the first "Duke of Haynau" was Heinrich IX. , a son of Duke Henry VIII. Thereafter, the castle served as a residence for other family members. In the middle of the 15th century a fundamental renovation took place, with a second courtyard and a tower being built in the southeast. In 1503 the Gothic castle burned down, and in 1510 one of the two towers collapsed. From 1545 Duke Friedrich III resided . in Haynau, who two years later became Duke of Liegnitz. In 1546/47 he rebuilt the burnt down ducal castle and converted it into a renaissance castle. There are busts of Duke Friedrich III above the portal of the castle. and his wife Katharina († 1586), daughter of Duke Heinrich V of Mecklenburg . The builder was probably Franz Parr ( Pahr ), who was also involved in the renovation of the Piast Castle in Brzeg .

In 1596 Duke Joachim Friedrich assigned Haynau to the widow of Duke Johann Georg Anna von Württemberg as personal items . Even after her death in 1616, the castle was used as a widow's residence for other duchesses .

With the death of the last Silesian Piast Georg Wilhelm in 1675 the line of Liegnitz Piast expired. The Duchy of Liegnitz with its partial duchies took in Emperor Leopold in his capacity as King of Bohemia as a settled fiefdom for the Crown of Bohemia . In 1707 a Marienkapelle was set up for the Catholic faithful in the uninhabited east wing of the castle. As a result of the First Silesian War , Haynau fell to Prussia together with Silesia in 1742 . After a fire in 1762, the castle was only partially rebuilt. After another fire, the south wing was completely removed and the north wing was reduced by one story.

The preserved wing was acquired by the city of Haynau in 1831 and used as a school and at times as a hospital. After 1875 the district court was housed here, from 1933 it housed a local museum, and in 1934 the portal was restored. After the transition to Poland in 1945, the castle was restored from 1957 to 1959 and then the city museum was set up. In 1990–1994 the remains of the Gothic castle were uncovered.


The building has seven axes and follows the course of the kinking city wall. Only in the portal zone does the building have a more elaborate design. There the profiled walls of the arched portal are framed by side windows framed with ornate pilasters . An inscription cartouche bears the name of Emperor Ferdinand I and the date 1547. Archaeological excavations uncovered the foundations of a medieval free-standing round tower and made them visible.


Web links

Commons : Schloss Haynau  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 51 ° 16 ′ 14.2 "  N , 15 ° 55 ′ 45.8"  E