Law child means the spouse or registered partner of the daughter or the son of a person: Your son is the husband of her daughter (formerly Eidam, Tochtermann) or partner of their son, their daughter , the wife of the son (formerly cord Söhnerin) or partner the daughter. There is no biological or legal relationship to children -in-law , but a (lifelong) relationship ; they are by-married, so-called affine relatives. The spouses or domestic partners of a person's grandchildren are their grandchildren in law .
The following diagram illustrates the relationships for mixed-sex couples - in same-sex marriages and civil unions stood the two children-in-law mirror and the grandson would be a law grandson (son) partnered married or:
Person ( ego , test person ) |
Husband son in law |
daughter | son | Wife daughter-in-law |
Grandson | Wife's granddaughter in law |
Colloquially, a child of a daughter / son-in-law with another partner is called Stiefenkel (legally Stiefenkel refers to the child of a stepchild ).
Family significance of the children-in-law
The extent to which children-in-law are seen as members of a person's own family , as well as one's own grandchildren from marriage, is determined by cultural rules of ancestry in connection with rules of marital domicile ; they also determine the understanding of brotherhood and between which people it is cultivated.
In the modern, highly industrialized societies descent is considered by both parents ( kognatisch-bilaterally ) , according to law, children and the following grandchildren will be both counted extended families of the spouse or partner, choose the pairs their marital home independently and found mostly neolokale small families outside their family households .
In societies that are organized according to the patrilineal line ( patrilineal ) , a son-in-law takes the daughter (wife) out of her family to his family residence after marriage, children together are assigned to his extended family and inherit his property, reputation and family name (preferably his sons ). Conversely, daughters-in-law (wives of their own sons) are accepted into their own family and house.
In contrast , the sons-in-law of the approximately 160 ethnic groups and indigenous peoples who derive their ancestry and kinship from the maternal line ( matrilineal ) usually have little legal and social significance for their children; they are assigned to the family of their mother and usually also join her Succession a. The son-in-law remains part of his own maternal family, where he often looks after his sister's children (see Uncle and Avunculat ). Some ethnic groups even have so-called visiting marriages , and the son-in-law only comes to his wife's house temporarily, usually overnight.
See also
- Designations and degrees of sisterhood - Relationships: in -law
- Choice of partner: Homogamy and heterogamy (choice based on similarities / differences)
- Heiratskreis - Marriage Market - Marriage Rules ( Endogamy / Exogamy )
- Jacob Grimm , Wilhelm Grimm : German Dictionary . Leipzig 1854–1960:
- SON IN LAW. Volume 15, Column 2615.
- EIDAM. Volume 3, column 83.
- DAUGHTER. Volume 21, column 536.
- DAUGHTER IN LAW. Volume 15, Column 2615.
- LINE. Volume 15, Columns 1394-1396.
- SON. Volume 16, column 1423.
- Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Wander : son-in-law. In: German Proverbs Lexicon . Volume 4, Quirl 1876.
- Johann Christoph Adelung : 1. The cord. In: Grammatical-Critical Dictionary of High German Dialect . Volume 3, Leipzig 1793-1801, column 1610-1611.
Web links
Individual evidence
- ↑ Eidam . In: Jacob Grimm , Wilhelm Grimm (Hrsg.): German dictionary . tape 3 : E – research - (III). S. Hirzel, Leipzig 1862, Sp. 83 ( ). Daughter husband . In: German dictionary . tape 21 , 1935, Sp. 536 ( ).
- ^ Johann Christoph Adelung : 1. The cord. In: Grammatical-Critical Dictionary of High German Dialect . Volume 3, Leipzig 1793-1801, column 1610-1611; Jacob Grimm , Wilhelm Grimm : SON. In: German dictionary . Volume 16, Leipzig 1854-1960, column 1423.
- ↑ SGB IX § 74: R3.1.1 The substitute worker is related to the beneficiary up to the 2nd degree or by marriage. German pension insurance . Quote: "Stiefenkelkinder (grandchildren of the spouse)". Note: No entry on "Stiefenkel" in the Duden, different usage by lawyers. The Inheritance and Gift Tax Act (ErbStG) mentioned in § 15 tax brackets only "2. Children and stepchildren, 3. the descendants of the children and stepchildren named in number 2 ”. The German Forum for Inheritance Law writes under I. Legal foundations of inheritance and gift tax law: “200,000 EUR for all other grandchildren and stepchildren”.
- ^ J. Patrick Gray: Ethnographic Atlas Codebook. In: World Cultures. Volume 10, No. 1, 1998, pp. 86-136, here p. 104: Table 43 Descent: Major Type ; without page numbers (PDF; 2.4 MB); one of the few evaluations of all 1267 ethnic groups at that time: "584 patrilineal [...] 160 matrilineal [...] 349 bilateral" (= 46.1% patrilineal ; 12.6% matrilineal ; 27.6% cognatic-bilateral ). At the end of 2012, the Ethnographic Atlas by George P. Murdock recorded exactly 1,300 ethnic groups worldwide .