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Bread dumplings are a specialty of southern German , Austrian and Bohemian cuisine . They are served as an accompaniment to dishes such as roast pork (often together with sauerkraut and / or red cabbage), Saurem Lüngerl (Austrian Beuschel ), lentil dishes or mushrooms in a cream sauce.


For preparation, stale bread rolls are thinly sliced ​​or cut into cubes (available in Bavaria and Austria as bread crumbs , bread cubes , sliced bread or dumpling bread ) and soaked in hot milk , covered. Under frumpy refers to white bread , which older than at least one day, but not quite dried up. In some recipes, half of the bread roll is first toasted in butter . Eggs (about one for every two rolls), parsley and salt are added to the mixture, as well as a little grated lemon zest to taste , and everything is carefully mixed with your hands. Dough that is too soft can be bound with a little breadcrumbs . Bread dumplings are cooked for about 20 minutes in hot, simmering salted water with a pot half open. The dumplings are ready when they rise to the surface and, when they are well-formed, slowly turn.

Different ingredients

There are numerous variations, depending on the mixture, the cooking time and the seasoning. Whether or not the basic ingredients should be onion, parsley or nutmeg depends on taste and local tradition. Viennese cuisine , in particular , which is heavily influenced by Bohemian cuisine, knows a large number of different recipes and preparation features. The Viennese recipe differs from the Bohemian one mainly through the addition of flour to the Bohemian dumplings , but also in a variant of the serviette dumplings through the addition of yeast . There are also the Prague napkin dumplings , which are tied in a linen cloth over steam or boiled in water.

pretzel dumplings

Pretzel dumplings with lentil vegetables

If stale pretzels are used instead of rolls , they are called pretzel dumplings or pretzel dumplings .

bacon dumplings

As a variant, mixed bacon can be added to the dumpling dough - these Tyrolean dumplings , as the bacon dumplings are also called, are served with salad or sauerkraut or in soup. Grammel dumplings are filled with rendered bacon ( grammel ).

Further use

Leftover bread dumplings from the previous day are cut into slices as roasted dumplings , fried until crispy in the pan and served with a fried egg and salad, for example . They can also be fried in a pan with the egg and are then called dumplings with egg . Sour bread dumplings , including vinegar dumplings or dumpling salad are prepared cold with onions, vinegar and oil , salt and pepper and, if you like , with meat sausage and chopped pickles.

Industrial manufacture

Bread dumplings are available as commercial goods in boilable bags or also frozen.

"Bread dumplings"

Bread dumplings achieved cabaret honors through a dialogue between Karl Valentin and Liesl Karlstadt , in which he explains that bread dumplings should correctly be called bread dumplings , as they are made from several rolls.

Similar dishes

  • Napkin dumplings have similar ingredients, but are elongated and served in slices.

Web links

Commons : Bread Dumplings  - Collection of images, videos, and audio files
Wiktionary: bread dumplings  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations
Wikibooks: Cookbook bread dumplings  - learning and teaching materials

Individual evidence

  1. Eckhard Supp : Duden. Dictionary culinary arts. From amuse-bouche to decorative snow . Dudenverlag, Mannheim a. a. 2011, ISBN 978-3-411-70392-0 , Chapter: Regional dishes in German-speaking countries , p. 87 .