Sender Weimar (radio of the GDR)

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As transmitter Weimar radiated from the mid-1950s to 1990, the Weimar Broadcasting House of Broadcasting of the GDR its regional or central radio broadcasts or programs from. The regional broadcasting area included the districts of Erfurt , Gera and Suhl , which roughly corresponded to the territory of the previous state of Thuringia .

Broadcasting in the region until 1945

Until 1945 the Thuringian area belonged to the broadcasting area of ​​the Mitteldeutsche Rundfunk AG - MIRAG , operating as Reichssender Leipzig from 1934 . The Leipzig station maintained demand meeting points (studios) in Weimar, Jena and Oberhof, and at times also in Erfurt, Gera and Eisenach.

Broadcasting in the region from 1945 to 1952

Broadcasting in the Soviet occupation zone after 1945

After the Second World War and the collapse of National Socialist radio, German anti-fascists under the leadership of KPD functionaries built a radio system for the Soviet occupation zone on the orders of the Soviet occupying power . This broadcasting system in the Soviet Zone / GDR had the following structure from 1945 to 1952:

Berliner Rundfunk (as a control station for all transmitters in the Soviet occupation zone as well as a control station for Berlin , Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania ; start of broadcast: May 13, 1945, as of May 22, 1945 as Berliner Rundfunk)

  • State transmitter Schwerin (for Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania; start of broadcast: December 24, 1945)
- Rostock studio
  • State transmitter Potsdam (for Brandenburg; start of broadcast: June 22, 1946)
  • Studio Cottbus (for the Cottbus region ; start of broadcast: around 1948/49)

Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk (for Saxony , Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt ; seat: Leipzig ; start of broadcasting: September 15, 1945, operating as Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk from November 1945 and broadcasting from the Berlin radio house until a building that was converted into a radio house on June 4, 1946)

  • State transmitter Dresden (for Saxony; start of broadcast: December 7, 1945)
- Studio Chemnitz
  • Landessender Weimar (for Thuringia; start of broadcast: January 1, 1946 after trial broadcasts from November 1945)
- Studio Erfurt
  • State transmitter Halle (for Saxony-Anhalt, broadcast start: December 24, 1946)
- Studio Magdeburg

Deutschlandsender (for all of Germany; seat: Berlin; broadcast start: May 1, 1949)

The Berliner Rundfunk and the Mitteldeutsche Rundfunk worked in their respective broadcasting area as a broadcasting chain, with the state broadcasters creating regional window programs - embedded in the program structure of the respective leading broadcaster (Berliner Rundfunk or Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk). In the course of the further development of broadcasting structures, the broadcasting officers and the corresponding offices in the federal states gradually installed the above-mentioned regional studios, each with a supplier function for the broadcasting houses in Berlin and Leipzig or the regional broadcasters. From around 1948/49 onwards, the Cottbus studio was the only studio to broadcast its own regional broadcasts via wired radio, also embedded in the Berliner Rundfunk program.

The Deutschlandsender was subordinate to the directorship of the Berliner Rundfunk, but had its own editor-in-chief. In any case, the Berliner Rundfunk functioned as a control station for all broadcasting houses and studios in the Soviet Zone / GDR until 1952.

The highest authority was the general director for democratic broadcasting , responsible for all broadcasting stations and their respective broadcasting chains with the associated national broadcasters and the regional studios. Thus, despite the considerable production volume of the broadcasting houses and studios in the federal states and the influence of the KPD / SED in the state administrations, radio in the Soviet occupation zone and the later GDR did not have a federal structure , but was a central radio system with a general manager in Berlin. Neither of these broadcasting houses or studios operated under public law and neither of the two broadcasting chains was a separate legal entity .

Country broadcaster Weimar

At the end of 1945, on the initiative of those responsible for broadcasting in Berlin, the state government of Thuringia, the Soviet military administration in Germany (SMAD) and the post office, the establishment of a state broadcaster for Thuringia in the state capital Weimar began . After trial broadcasts from November 1945 onwards, the transmitter began its work on December 1, 1945 as a branch of the Berliner Rundfunk . The official start of broadcasting was January 1, 1946. A short time later, the station was called Landessender Weimar . The transmitter was based in the Hotel Elephant . The hotel was built in the 1930s as the Weimar residence of Adolf Hitler - including a fully functional utility studio with a connection to the Reichs-Rundfunk-Gesellschaft network. This studio was fully functional in 1945. Missing equipment - such as tape machines, microphones, etc. - came partly from the Oberhof needs studio .

As parts of the music archive of the Reichsender Breslau in Weimar had been moved to the Nietzsche halls as a result of the further advance of the Eastern Front , the Weimar station was able to fall back on this music archive after 1945. In contrast to other broadcasting houses and studios after World War II, which rarely had a sufficient sound archive, the musical design of the broadcasts in Weimar was not a problem.

Weimar radio station

Since the premises in the Hotel Elephant could only be a temporary arrangement anyway, the broadcasters in Weimar agreed to convert the Nietzsche halls into a broadcasting house. After a year of construction, the first broadcast of a program from this broadcasting house took place on June 1, 1947. The official inauguration was on June 11, 1947.

The radio house was technically excellently equipped and had exemplary acoustics. It had two sound recordings with a speaker room and a control room, a small and a large broadcasting hall - the large broadcasting hall with 300 seats -, over 50 work and office rooms, a workshop and garages for the vehicle fleet, such as broadcast vans and the like. Ä.

Production profile

The state broadcaster was integrated with regional window programs and national program blocks into the program structure of the Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk, based in Leipzig, to whose broadcasting chain it belonged.

The daily program volume was two to three regional windows spread over the day with a broadcast time of just under three hours and around nine national program blocks a week of an average of 75 minutes each in the central program of the Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk. This corresponded to an average daily broadcast time (regional and national) of around 4½ hours.

The production profile included regional news, regional radio, the press review and a business magazine , resettler and homecoming programs, answering listeners' questions as well as music and entertainment, special programs on upcoming elections and the production of classical and folk music as well as radio plays.

Studio Erfurt

After the establishment of two broadcasting chains and the associated regional broadcasters had been completed, those responsible for broadcasting in Berlin initiated the development of regional studios with the corresponding offices in the federal states. This and the fact that Erfurt had meanwhile been named state capital led to the commissioning of a regional studio in Erfurt on July 15, 1949 - primarily for deliveries from the new state capital to the program of the state broadcaster Weimar, but also for the program of the Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk and the other stations in the Soviet Zone of Occupation (SBZ) / GDR.

Broadcasting in the region from 1952 to 1964

The dissolution of the states and the establishment of districts as administrative units in the summer of 1952 was accompanied by a restructuring of broadcasting in the GDR with the establishment of the State Broadcasting Committee (SRK). The districts of Erfurt , Gera and Suhl roughly corresponded to the transmission area of ​​the former state broadcaster Weimar.

District studios

As a result of the restructuring of the GDR radio, the broadcasting houses and studios in the previous countries were district studios from summer 1952, only with a supplier function for the central programs produced in Berlin or partly in Leipzig.

In district towns in which there were no radio studios yet, the broadcasting committee set up such studios, for example in Suhl, Gera , Frankfurt (Oder) and Neubrandenburg.

The Erfurt studio took over the greatly reduced production and broadcasting operations of the Funkhaus Weimar.

The Funkhaus Weimar served as a radio school from 1952 to 1955. Until 1952 the radio school had its seat in the Funkhaus Berlin-Grünau. In 1952, the Funkhaus Grünau had to absorb part of the editorial, production and administration potential of the Berlin Funkhaus in Nalepastraße, which was not yet completely finished.

The first corrections to the program structure were made in the summer of 1953. This resulted in the district studios creating regional windows. Three studios shared a frequency of one of the three central programs and alternately broadcast half an hour on this frequency every day. One studio acted as the lead studio. The connected studios transferred their programs to the master studio, which broadcast the programs. The Erfurt studio acted as the lead studio for the Gera and Suhl studios .

Berlin I

  • Erfurt = Gera - Suhl

Berlin II

Berlin III

  • Schwerin = Rostock - Neubrandenburg
  • Potsdam = Cottbus - Frankfurt
  • Leipzig = Halle - Magdeburg.

The 1950s - a time of experimentation

The following years were a time of experimentation, both for the central and even more so for the regional programs - with regard to the frequencies, the transmission times and the respective broadcasting network of the regional programs. In 1955, for example, GDR broadcasting returned to the system of radio stations existing side by side with their own names and directors (Berliner Rundfunk, Radio DDR and Deutschlandsender). The larger district studios were again broadcast houses, to which smaller studios were affiliated. From the beginning of 1956, radio houses and studios were subordinate to Radio GDR and were integrated into its program structure. Potsdam and Frankfurt were assigned to the Berlin radio from 1958 to 1970.

In 1955, the Funkhaus Weimar regained its old status. Production and broadcasting operations shifted from Studio Erfurt back to Funkhaus Weimar, to which the Erfurt and Suhl studios were affiliated. The Studio Gera was assigned to the Leistudio Dresden from January to September 1955. The Karl-Marx-Stadt studio was also assigned to the Leistudio Dresden. From September 1955 Dresden - now as a broadcasting house - as well as the studios Karl-Marx-Stadt and Gera formed a broadcast network. But as early as February 1956, the Gera studio was part of the broadcast network with Weimar, Erfurt and Suhl. Dresden and Karl-Marx-Stadt alone formed a network.

The reactivation of the Weimar Funkhaus was possible because capacities could be relocated from the Funkhaus Berlin-Grünau to the almost completed Funkhaus Nalepastraße, and thus also the Radio School from Weimar back to Berlin-Grünau.

In addition to the transmission technology, the studio technology also belonged to Deutsche Post from 1956, without any real benefit being recognized - on the contrary, because the administrative effort increased considerably.

As a result of the experimental years, the GDR radio showed the following structure at the end of the 1950s:

Berlin radio
  • Berliner Rundfunk (entertainment and politics from and for East Berlin and the rest of the GDR)
  • Berliner Welle (entertainment and politics for West Berlin)
  • Regional programs and contributions from the Funkhaus Potsdam and the Studio Frankfurt (Oder) in both programs
Radio DDR
  • Regional programs from the district broadcasting houses and studios (from 1958 to 1970 except Potsdam and Frankfurt)

Deutschlandsender (program for all of Germany)

Radio Berlin International (broadcasts for foreign countries in various languages)

This created a radio structure in the GDR that was to last essentially until the end of the GDR.

Regional programs in the late 1950s and early 1960s

Since Radio DDR II only used its VHF network from 7:00 p.m. and later from 6:00 p.m. for its own broadcasts, Radio DDR I broadcast its programs over this network during the day. The broadcasting houses and studios in the districts integrated their regional windows into the program structure of Radio DDR I. They broadcast at different times for different durations throughout the day on frequencies of Radio DDR II - until the VHF network was fully expanded, also on radio DDR-I frequencies. On the program day, Monday, December 28, 1959, the Funkhaus Leipzig broadcast three regional windows with a total broadcast time of 4 hours and 55 minutes, while the Studio Neubrandenburg broadcast its own window of only ten minutes. Halle, Karl-Marx-Stadt and Gera did not broadcast at all that day. The Funkhaus Weimar - in the network with Gera and Suhl - achieved a transmission time of 2 hours and 15 minutes with three windows. Studio Suhl broadcast a district regional window of 5 minutes within the broadcasting network.

The Potsdam broadcaster - with the Frankfurt / Oder studio assigned to the Berliner Rundfunk from 1958 to 1970 - broadcast a program of 1 hour and 10 minutes in the central morning program of the Berliner Rundfunk and 2 hours a regional window on Monday, December 28, 1959 for the Potsdam district in the afternoon program of Berliner Welle. Frankfurt doesn't broadcast at all.

Like all other radio houses and studios subordinate to Radio GDR, from February 1963 Weimar, Gera and Suhl broadcast their common daily regional program uniformly on a Radio GDR II frequency: Mondays to Saturdays from 6:00 p.m. to 6:55 p.m. and Sundays from 7:10 a.m. to 11 a.m. 00 o'clock.

Broadcasting in the region from 1964 to 1983

The 1960s and 1970s were years in which GDR broadcasting achieved continuity in regional broadcasting, which was accompanied by a gradual increase in regional offers.

Uniform regional offers from 1964

After twelve years of experimentation, in June 1964 the regional programs were again restructured, which should ultimately lead to continuity in terms of frequencies, broadcast times and broadcast networks. Listener research had shown that the audience ratings were highest in the early hours of the morning and in the morning. On average, most GDR residents listened to the radio for around 40 minutes in the morning. This prompted the GDR broadcasters to broadcast six regional programs from 6:05 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on the frequencies of Radio DDR II - except for Rostock and Cottbus, all in a broadcasting network in which one or two studios were assigned to a broadcasting house Neubrandenburg was initially the first studio to broadcast a regional window between 6:05 and 7:57 am within the Schwerin / Neubrandenburg broadcasting network.

Radio DDR broadcast the following regional offers on its second program:

  • Cottbus (with Studio Bautzen )
  • Dresden - Karl-Marx-Stadt
  • Weimar (with office in Erfurt) - Gera - Suhl
  • Leipzig - Halle - Magdeburg

The Potsdam transmitter and the Frankfurt (Oder) studio continued to belong to the Berliner Rundfunk until 1970 and broadcast on its frequencies - Potsdam on weekdays from 6:05 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. or 9:00 a.m. and from 12:00 p.m. to 12:30 p.m. Clock, Frankfurt from 12:30 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. - later at other times, but as the only district station not in the early hours of the morning.

Gradually, the other studios also began to broadcast regional window programs within the broadcasting network, with the general start of broadcasting of the regional programs gradually being brought forward by one hour to 5:05 a.m.

Weimar transmitter from 1964 to 1983

The Weimar broadcaster broadcast in a network with the Gera and Suhl studios. The Erfurt studio acted as a correspondent's office for reporting from the district town. Weimar was the only district broadcasting company that was not based in a district town.

Like all regional programs, the Weimar program consisted of a two-year program over the years. Later, a three-hour morning magazine with central and regional news, weather, traffic, service tips and various categories with a high proportion of popular music, followed by a music program, an entertaining regional magazine or on-site reports by means of an OB van and the greeting and request broadcast on Sundays a concert.

The Erfurt, Gera and Suhl studios produced supplies for the Weimar program.

Central news came from the main news department in the Berliner Funkhaus as a takeover of Radio DDR, regional news from the Funkhaus Weimar.

The range of music production at the Funkhaus included elaborate works of classical music. The Funkhaus was able to benefit from a fruitful cooperation with the Staatskapelle Weimar and other artistic ensembles and institutions in the three Thuringian districts. Such a collaboration was also fruitful for the production of folk and folk music, for which the Funkhaus was heavily involved. For this purpose, on the initiative of various music editors at the station, special casts were formed, the members of which consisted of orchestral musicians and freelance soloists. These music groups, for example the Ilmtaler Musikanten or the Hetschburg Trio, did not perform live, however.

In addition, the Funkhaus Weimar realized radio play productions.

It turned out to be unfavorable for the acceptance of the regional programs that two radio programs had to share a frequency on the allocated frequencies that had nothing in common with each other in terms of the program mandate and its design. The regional program was familiar, homely and entertaining, while Radio DDR II was a cultural and educational channel with a lot of classical and serious music as well as a high proportion of verbal contributions, so that after switching to the central program at 10:00 there was always a style break. or the listener switched to another wave and back again the next day. The exclusive broadcasting on VHF and the low level of equipment in GDR households with VHF radio receivers in the 1960s and in some cases still in the 1970s also had a negative effect on the reception of regional programs.

In October 1968 the morning broadcasts from Weimar began an hour earlier at 5:05 a.m.

From 1977 the Funkhaus Weimar broadcast completely in stereo .

Alternating with the broadcasters in Leipzig and Dresden and at times also with Schwerin, the broadcaster Weimar organized a Weimar evening about four times a year on Tuesdays in the evening program of Radio DDR II . That was five hours each with a lot of classical music and reports from the cultural and intellectual life of the districts of Erfurt, Gera and Suhl.

Other centrally broadcast programs were about four times a year the forty-minute program Zur Abendstunde with folk music in the previous evening program and Today from the Weimar station on the night line of Radio DDR I - about twice a year in the night from Friday to Saturday from 0:05 to 2: 00 o'clock.

There were also deliveries and live broadcasts from Weimar, Erfurt, Gera and Suhl to the central programs.

In addition, with and for Radio GDR, the Weimar broadcaster created special district programs on certain major events - such as party congresses or a round national holiday, etc. - which were usually broadcast in both central and regional programs.

Due to a lack of VHF frequencies, the regional program Weimar - Gera - Suhl was the only broadcasting network in which the assigned studios did not broadcast any regional regional windows in the form of a morning magazine. It remained with the supplier function.

DEFA studio for synchronization

From 1955 to 1985 the Deutsche Film AG (DEFA) ran a dubbing studio in the Funkhaus Weimar. In addition to the production facilities in Berlin and Leipzig, this was the third studio of its kind. DEFA used the small broadcasting hall of the Weimar radio station as a sub-tenant.

After the DEFA dubbing studio moved out in 1985, the Weimar broadcaster again used the small broadcasting hall for its own productions.

Regional programs in the late 1970s and early 1980s

By the end of 1978, Radio DDR had created a structure of 11 regional offers, in which four studios broadcast window programs in a network with a broadcasting company, two of which alternated between two studios. The broadcasting houses broadcast five hours a day, the studios three hours, the Rostock broadcaster 15 hours from May to September, which corresponded to an average weekly broadcast time of 51 hours:

  • Potsdam
  • Frankfurt
Karl Marx City
  • Weimar (with office in Erfurt) - Gera - Suhl
  • Leipzig
Halle / Magdeburg

Regional radio in the 1980s

The regional structure at Radio DDR, which had been established by 1978, had existed until the mid-1980s. Then the GDR radio began to expand the regional programs in the long term.

Weimar / Gera / Suhl transmitter from 1983 to 1989

The expansion plans for the regional programs meant that, from January 1984, Funkhaus Weimar moved its early program forward by one hour to 4.05 a.m. In May 1986 the Funkhaus Weimar extended the broadcasting times of the regional program by three hours and broadcast until 1 p.m. The broadcast of the extended program took place on the frequency of the youth radio DT 64 , which was under development and only began its program at 1:00 p.m., so the break in style when switching to the central program on these frequencies was less sharp than when switching to radio frequencies DDR II, the cultural and educational program.

Regional programs from December 1987

By December 1987, the planned expansion of the regional programs was largely completed. The broadcasting houses and studios were no longer subject to Radio GDR, but had a kind of directorship in Berlin.

The broadcasting houses broadcast on the frequencies of Radio DDR II, the start of which had been postponed to 1:00 p.m., and partly on frequencies of the youth radio DT 64, which was developed into a full program, from 4: 05/5: 05 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Studios - they called themselves transmitters now - from 4: 05/5: 05 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Leipzig and later Rostock in its winter program also broadcast a regional window from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

All former studios were part of a broadcasting network with a larger broadcasting house, although the Weimar / Erfurt / Gera / Suhl broadcasting network was the only one in which the district studios did not create their own windows in the form of regional programs, although the Weimar program is now over five VHF frequencies were broadcast, which would have allowed district disconnection. It is possible that the GDR radio even had plans in this regard that could not be implemented due to the events of the 1989/90 turning point .

The weekday transmission time for all 11 regional programs was 87 hours.

By 1989/90, the regional programs should develop again in such a way that Halle and Magdeburg broadcast separately from January 1989 and the Studio Bautzen in the House of the Sorbs broadcast a one-and-a-half-hour morning magazine in Sorbian from October 1989 - later expanded to three hours . This increased the weekly transmission time of the now 13 regional programs to 95 hours, of which the Weimar / Gera / Suhl program accounted for around 9 hours.

  • Potsdam
Frankfurt (Oder)
  • cottbus
Bautzen (Sorbian)
  • Dresden
Karl Marx City
  • Weimar (with office in Erfurt) - Gera - Suhl
  • Leipzig

Response to the new Weimar program

The expanded Weimar regional offer showed a positive effect on listener behavior. Because broadcasting on DT 64 frequencies avoided too strong a style break when connecting to this program after the broadcast had ended. The meanwhile increased equipment level of VHF radio receivers certainly also had a positive effect on listener behavior. The central programs were left behind in terms of audience ratings.

With the expansion of the regional offers, the night programs in the central program were no longer available for all broadcasting houses and studios (except Rostock).

Time of political upheaval and after reunification

The time of political upheaval in all GDR districts - the future countries - was characterized by the endeavor to reorganize the entire editorial and technical production potential of radio and television in the region in order to build an independent radio system at the state level, independent of the headquarters in Berlin.

Thuringian radio

It was clear to those responsible for broadcasting in Thuringia that the establishment of a radio system for Thuringia that was independent of Berlin would quickly reach its limits. In November 1989, the Funkhaus Weimar signed a cooperation agreement with the Hessischer Rundfunk , because the broadcasters in Thuringia favored a merger with the Hessischer Rundfunk.

From the summer of 1989 the four radio locations Weimar, Erfurt, Gera and Suhl were called Thüringer Rundfunk and broadcast the Thuringia 1 program from 5:05 a.m. to midnight. This increased the transmission time from 9 to 19 hours, which was at the expense of the existing volume of music and radio play productions. Only the night tracks for the new program were produced and broadcast by the Funkhaus in Berlin.

The German television radio installed in the summer of 1990 in the former House of Culture of the Ministry of State Security a television studio for regional coverage from the future state of Thuringia for the two central television programs and for the country within the specified time windows for regional television programs. Previously there were only television correspondent offices in Erfurt, Gera and Suhl.

MDR State Broadcasting House Thuringia

The accession of the GDR to the Federal Republic of Germany of broadcasting (radio and television) was under Article 36 of the Unification Treaty that of Chancellor Helmut Kohl used from Bayern upcoming broadcast Commissioner for the New Federal States, Rudolf Mühlfenzl . This had the task of transferring the former state radio and the state television into federal structures or winding up.

A continuation of the existing broadcasting system under the leadership of the New Lander and Berlin was not politically wanted, but not to finance its own state broadcasters.

The state governments of Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia agreed relatively quickly to revitalize central German broadcasting . This transmitter, based in Leipzig, started broadcasting on January 1st, 1992 and was a member of the working group of public broadcasters in the Federal Republic of Germany - ARD . To the institution belonged or still belong u. a. the broadcasting houses and studios in Leipzig, Dresden, Chemnitz, Bautzen , Halle, Magdeburg as well as Weimar, Erfurt, Gera and Suhl, but also the television facilities in the three countries. In each country, the broadcaster maintains a regional broadcasting company for the production of regional or central radio and television programs.

Up to the year 2000 the Funkhaus Weimar produced with the studios in Erfurt, Gera and Suhl the state program MDR 1 Thuringia as well as supplies for the MDR and the other ARD stations.

The Broadcasting Center moved its location to the newly built and equipped for digital broadcasting radio station building to Erfurt in 2000th The former broadcasting house in Weimar has been empty since then and has not yet found a new purpose.

The Thuringian State Broadcasting House also includes television with a regional state magazine on MDR television and supplies for the MDR and other ARD stations.

The ARD / ZDF children's channel has been based in Erfurt since 1997, under the leadership of Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk.

Individual evidence

  1. Horst O. Halefeldt: Broadcasting companies and broadcasting regulations in Joachim-Felix Leonhard (ed.): Program history of radio in the Weimar Republic, Volume 1, Deutscher Taschenbuchverlag 1997
  2. Horst Zänger: Stories from 50 Years of Broadcasting - Chronicle of the State Broadcasting Corporation Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Verlag Reinhard-Thon Schwerin 1995
  3. ^ LIA archive Wegner, LIA Hamburg
  4. ^ Minutes of the first conference of the Lektorat Rundfunkgeschichte with the pioneers of the German Democratic Broadcasting on April 25, 1966 in Contributions to the History of Broadcasting , GDR Broadcasting Series, 4th year 1970
  5. Horst Zänger, ibid
  6. ^ LIA Archive Wegner, ibid
  7. ^ Heide Riedel in radio and television in the GDR - function, structure and program of radio in the GDR , published by the Deutsches Rundfunk-Museum e. V., Berlin (West), in Literarischer Verlag Helmut Braun KG, Cologne 1977
  8. ^ Program part in Der Rundfunk , born 1949 (1-52), Deutscher Funk Verlag GmbH Berlin SO 36, 1949
  9. Hans-Ulrich Wagner: A productive competition - the radio play in the SBZ 1945–1949 , in: The new time moves with us ... Heide Riedel (ed.), Vistas Verlag Berlin 1992
  10. Program part in Der Rundfunk , born 1953 (1–52), © Ed .: State Broadcasting Committee of the GDR via Henschelverlag Art and Society Berlin (GDR) 1953
  11. 1st workshop December 17, 1991 - beginning of broadcasting in 1945 , in: The new time moves with us ... Heide Riedel (Ed.), Vistas Verlag Berlin 1992
  12. Heinz-Florian Oertel: Highest Time , Das Neue Berlin Verlagsgesellschaft, Berlin 1997 (3rd edition 1998)
  13. Eberhard Fensch: So and only better - How Honecker imagined television , Das Neue Berlin Verlag, Berlin 2003
  14. Günter Rücker: Beginnings in Leipzig , in: The new time moves with us ... Heide Riedel (Ed.), Vistas Verlag Berlin 1992
  15. ^ Program part in Der Rundfunk , 1952/1953, publisher: State Broadcasting Committee of the GDR via Henschelverlag Art and Society Berlin (GDR) 1953
  16. Karl-Heinz Mosgraber: The 1,000-year-old Potsdam and radio , in: With us the new time moves ... Heide Riedel (ed.), Vistas Verlag Berlin 1992
  17. On the history of Sorbian radio in
  18. Sorbischer Rundfunk in
  19. Central Administration for National Education - General National Education Department: Organizational statute in the Soviet zone of occupation of March 14, 1946 in Heide Riedel: Radio and television in the GDR - function, structure and program of radio in the GDR , published by the Deutsches Rundfunk-Museum e. V., Berlin (West) in Literarischer Verlag Helmut Braun KG, Cologne 1977
  20. ^ Gerhard Walther: Radio in the Soviet Occupation Zone , Deutscher Bundesverlag, Bonn 1961
  21. Christian Handwerck: Funkhaus Weimar - The forgotten transmitter ,
  22. ^ Weimar's Funkhaus officially opened. In: Zum Volk from June 14, 1947,
  23. Christian Handwerck, ibid
  24. ^ Program part in Der Rundfunk, year 1949 (1–52), ibid
  25. ^ Workshop December 17, 1991 - radio start in 1945 , ibid
  26. Christian Handwerck, ibid
  27. ^ LIA Archive Wegner, ibid
  28. ^ Program part in Der Rundfunk , born 1952/1953, ibid
  29. Christian Handwerck, ibid
  30. ^ LIA Archive Wegner, ibid
  31. Horst Zänger, ibid
  32. Eberhard Fensch, ibid
  33. ^ Program part in Der Rundfunk , 1952–1964, Ed .: State Broadcasting Committee of the GDR via Henschelverlag Art and Society Berlin (GDR) 1952–1964
  34. Sorbischer Rundfunk , ibid
  35. On the history of Sorbian radio , ibid
  36. Herta Classen: On the program of the Berliner Welle in The Truth - SEW daily newspaper from December 10, 1959, newspaper service Berlin Verlags- und Druckerei GmbH, Berlin (West) 1959
  37. Heide Riedel, ibid
  38. Lands of the Earth - Political-Economic Handbook in the 7th completely revised edition, Verlag Die Wirtschaft Berlin (GDR), 1980
  39. Lands of the Earth - Political-Economic Handbook in the 8th completely revised edition, Verlag Die Wirtschaft Berlin (GDR), 1985
  40. Christian Handwerck, ibid
  41. ^ LIA Archive Wegner, ibid
  42. Horst Zänger, ibid
  43. Eberhard Fensch, ibid
  44. ^ Program part in Der Rundfunk , 1952–1964, ibid
  45. Christian Handwerck, ibid
  46. Klaus-Peter Wolf: Visit to the synchronization studio, in FF-Besides 10/83, Berliner Verlag Berlin (GDR) 1983
  47. Eberhard Fensch, ibid
  48. Horst Zänger, ibid
  49. Program part and contributions in FF-It. Born 1964–1978, Berliner Verlag Berlin (GDR) 1964–1978
  50. ^ LIA Archive Wegner, ibid
  51. ^ Program part and contributions in FF-Besides, years 1978–1990, Berliner Verlag Berlin (GDR) 1978–1990
  52. ^ LIA Archive Wegner, ibid
  53. Horst Zänger, ibid
  54. Program part and contributions in FF-Besides, years 1978–1990, ibid
  55. Horst Zänger, ibid
  56. ↑ Part of the program and "Articles" in FF accompanying. Years 1978–1990, ibid
  57. ^ LIA Archive Wegner, ibid
  58. Horst Zänger, ibid