Sigmund Helfried von Dietrichstein

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Sigmund Helfried Graf von Dietrichstein (* 1635 ; † April 2, 1698 ), baron of Hollenburg and Finkenstein , was a nobleman and governor of Carinthia.

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Sigmund Helfried came from the Weichselstätt-Rabenstein line of Dietrichsteiners , whose members stayed in the country as Catholics during the Counter-Reformation and were mostly resident in Styria . In 1667, after the death of Johann Karl Fürst von Porcia at the age of 32, he was appointed governor by Emperor Leopold I.

Dietrichstein then took the family-owned Hollenburg as his place of residence, from where he managed the 400 km² property. He was endowed with several dignities by the ruling house: Privy Councilor, Imperial Court Councilor, Chamberlain and Knight of the Golden Fleece . In 1686 he resigned from the office of governor and became chief court master of the imperial widow Eleonora Gonzaga of Mantua in Vienna . However, she died in 1686.

Count von Dietrichstein died on April 2, 1698. He was since 1666 with Maria Isabella Gonzaga (1638-1702), the daughter of Annibale Gonzaga and widow of Count Claudio von Collalto, the eldest son of Rambold XIII. von Collalto , married. Of the seven children they shared, three sons survived their father, but left no offspring themselves.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Anton Kreuzer: Carinthian Biographical Sketches. 14th - 20th century . Kärntner Druck und Verlagsgesellschaft, Klagenfurt 1999, ISBN 3-85391-166-8 , p. 59f.
  2. ^ Genealogical page on the family , accessed June 18, 2018