Vincent of Orsini-Rosenberg

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Vincent of Orsini-Rosenberg

Vinzenz von Orsini-Rosenberg (* December 27, 1722 in Klagenfurt ; † July 3, 1794 ibid), completely Vincentius Ferrerius Dominicus de Jesu Josephus Joannes Nepomucenus Joannes Baptista Joannes Evangelista Orsini Imperial Count von Rosenberg, Baron on Lerchenau and Grafenstein , was a Carinthian nobleman from Orsini-Rosenberg . He was Obersterblandhofmeister in the Duchy of Carinthia and 1774-1782 provincial governor of Carinthia.

Vinzenz von Orsini-Rosenberg was the son of Count Philipp Joseph von Orsini-Rosenberg and Countess Maria Dominika von Kaunitz . He was the only male representative of the house of his generation who had offspring.


In the public sector

After having been raised at home, he studied in Namur (then Austrian Netherlands) from 1736 and later in Graz . In 1742 he was appointed imperial chamberlain. After a short time in the military and diplomatic trips with his father, Vinzenz von Orsini and Rosenberg became district administrator in Carinthia in 1749, shortly afterwards he was a member of the Austrian government and in 1751 he was a representative in Graz. In 1763 he became a gubernial and real secret council. In 1773 he was governor of Krain and from 1774 to 1782 of Carinthia.

His tenure as governor of Carinthia was shaped by the Maria Theresa and Josephine reforms. He himself was significantly involved in the construction of the Klagenfurt General Hospital, the military hospital, the Maria-Theresian orphanage (today orphanage barracks), and the residence for Archduchess Maria Anna . With the administrative reorganization of the Habsburg states, Carinthia lost its independence in 1782 and was placed under the Graz government. This also removed Vincent von Orsini and Rosenberg from his office as governor. He then withdrew from the public service. He remained the state and in 1782 received the office of Hereditary Court Master's Office for Carinthia.

Family and Economic Policy

On the death of his father in 1765, Orsini-Rosenberg inherited his entails , which comprised the dominions of Sonnegg, Greifenburg, Grafenstein, Keutschach and Welzenegg, Maria Loretto and half of the Rosenberg Palace in Klagenfurt. Most of the allodial goods had to be sold or pledged to pay off his father's debts.

When his childless cousin, Franz Xaver Wolfgang von Orsini-Rosenberg , was raised to the rank of imperial prince in 1790 , Vincent and his descendants were simultaneously appointed as his successors as imperial prince. Vincent died before the imperial prince, so that his eldest son, Franz Seraph, succeeded Franz Xaver as imperial prince.

Vincent had Grafenstein Castle , his summer residence, expanded in 1768/70 . The decaying Stein an der Drau Castle was used as building material. In 1778, Keutschach Castle was renovated to create space for the official chancellery. In 1781 he bought the second half of the Klagenfurt family palace from his cousin Franz Xaver.

In 1780, at his request, the Fideikommiss was converted from a Primogenitur to a Family Fideikommiss. Thus all sons inherited in equal parts. At that time, the Fideikommiss comprised the dominions of Sonnegg, Stein, Höhenbergen, Feuersberg, Rechberg, one half of the Klagenfurt Palace and the Rechbach'sche VAL in Mölltal. The lordships of Grafenstein, Welzenegg, Keutschach and Greifenburg were declared to be a major . The second half of the palace and the Truttendorf estate remained as an allod .

In 1786, Vinzenz bei Stein im Jauntal had a wooden bridge built over the Drau at his own expense in order to improve the connection between his goods and Klagenfurt. Before that, the Jauntal could only be reached from Klagenfurt via Völkermarkt or by overpasses.


In 1756 Vinzenz married Anna Maria Juliana Josepha Herrin von Stubenberg (1738–1804). The couple had ten children:

  • Philippina Nera (1758–1768)
  • Gabriela Theresia (1760–1766)
  • Franz Seraph (1761–1832), second imperial prince
  • Maria Dominica (1763-1820)
  • Leopold Aloys (1764-1819)
  • Vincent Ferrerius (1765-1829)
  • Maria Cäcilia (1766–1841)
  • Son († 1767)
  • Maria Antonia (1769-1862)
  • Maria Seraphina (1769–1841) (twin sister of Maria Antonia)
