Stefan Askenase

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Stefan Askenase (born July 10, 1896 in Lemberg , Galicia , † October 18, 1985 in Bonn ) was a Belgian - Polish pianist .


Askenase was born in Lwiw (Lemberg) into a Jewish family. After first piano lessons by his mother (a student of Chopin's pupil Karol von Mikuli ) and by Theodor Pollak , Stefan Askenase was a pupil of Liszt pupil Emil von Sauer at the Vienna Conservatory in 1914/15 , later he was taught by Joseph Marx . From 1916 to 1918 he took part in the First World War, after which he directed the Lviv Opera House. In 1919 he made his debut in Vienna, in 1922 he took over a professorship at the Conservatory in Cairo . From 1925 he lived in Brussels and dedicated himself to his 60 years of worldwide concert activity. From 1937 to 1939 he taught at the Rotterdam Conservatory and from 1957 to 1961 at the Brussels Conservatory . In 1966 he moved to Bonn .

Famous for his interpretations of Chopin's works , he also had a special relationship with Bach , Mozart and Haydn . In the 1950s he recorded numerous works by Chopin for the Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft.

His students included Martha Argerich , László Gyimesi , John McKay , Sontraud Speidel , André Tchaikowsky and Mitsuko Uchida .


  • Alain Pâris: Lexicon of Performers of Classical Music in the 20th Century . dtv / Bärenreiter, Munich / Kassel 1992, ISBN 978-3-423-03291-9 .

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Individual evidence

  1. Obituaries ( Memento of the original from March 5, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , AJR Information, The Union of Jewish Refugees in Great Britain, London | Edition = Volume XL No. 12, December 1985, p. 7. Accessed April 4, 2018. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /