Stefan Gottfried

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Stefan Gottfried (* 1971 in Vienna ) is an Austrian conductor , harpsichordist and pianist . Since 2016 he has been the artistic director of the Concentus Musicus Vienna .

Live and act

Stefan Gottfried was trained on the piano by Leonore Aumaier from the age of six. He began his piano and horn studies at the Vienna Conservatory . He then switched to Michael Hruby (piano), Gordon Murray (harpsichord). He also studied composition and music education at the University of Music and Performing Arts , where he became in 1999 Magister spondiert was. With Jesper Bøje Christensen at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis (Basel, Switzerland) he played figured bass and historical keyboard instruments. Gottfried completed an international concert activity on harpsichord, fortepiano and piano, as a soloist and continuo player, in baroque ensembles and modern orchestras. Gottfried is also active as a music researcher, has been teaching at the Vienna Music University since 2000 and gives lectures on various aspects of historical performance practice.

Nikolaus Harnoncourt has repeatedly drawn him in as a staff member and assistant since 2004, for example for the opera productions Le nozze di Figaro at the Salzburg Festival and The Rake's Progress at the Theater an der Wien .

Gottfried gained his first experience as a conductor at the Vienna Chamber Opera , where he directed the performances of Gli uccellatori ( Florian Leopold Gassmann ) in 2015 and La scuola de 'gelosi ( Antonio Salieri ) in 2017 . After Harnoncourt's conducting engagements, Gottfried took over the artistic direction of the Concentus Musicus Vienna in January 2016 . As conductor of the Concentus Musicus Wien he made his debut at the Theater an der Wien with the second version of Beethoven's Leonore (1806).

In addition to the Concentus Musicus Wien, which has played mainly under the direction of Stefan Gottfried since Nikolaus Harnoncourt's resignation and death, he has conducted concerts by the Vienna Symphony Orchestra , the Tonkünstler Orchestra Lower Austria , the RSO Vienna , etc.

Under the direction of Stefan Gottfried, the Concentus Musicus Wien plays baroque "masterpieces" ( Bach's High Mass in B minor , works by Telemann and Handel ), but also tries less well-known composers and works ( Jan Dismas Zelenka , Romanus Weichlein , etc.) ) to perform.

The Concentus Musicus Wien, under Gottfried's direction, is increasingly trying its hand at late classical and romantic projects. He recorded a new completion of Schubert's Unfinished Symphony No. 7 .


  • Stefan Gottfried is a two-time award winner from the Republic of Austria

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Stefan Gottfried at the MDW
  2. -: "... the main thing in music". Tempo in the 18th century using the example of keyboard works by Bach, Handel, Haydn and Mozart . Thesis. University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna 1999, OBV .
  3. ^ Tiroler Tageszeitung Online: New Concentus boss Stefan Gottfried: "Giving up was not an option" | Tiroler Tageszeitung online - news from now! In: Tiroler Tageszeitung Online . ( [accessed March 4, 2020]).
  4. ^ STANDARD Verlagsgesellschaft mbH: "Fidelio": dynamism within every shape . In: . ( [accessed on February 21, 2018]).
  5. STANDARD Verlagsgesellschaft mbH: "Christmas Oratorio": Rejoicing as if from one piece . In: . ( [accessed on February 21, 2018]).
  6. Opera stars at "Christmas in Vienna" - Retrieved February 21, 2018 .