Stefan Stratimirović

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Stefan Stratimirović

Stefan Stratimirović ( Serbian : Стефан Стратимировић; * December 27, 1757 in Kulpin near Batschki Peterwatz , Vojvodina ; † September 23, 1836 in Syrmisch-Karlowitz ) was Metropolitan of Syrmisch-Karlowitz and head of the Serbian Orthodox Church .


Stratimirović family home in Kulpin

Stratimirović's parents Jovan and Angelina Stratimirović came from Herzegovina and lived on the military border on an estate in Kulpin that Maria Theresa had assigned them in 1754. Stefan Stratimirović attended schools in Kulpin and Begeč near Plankenburg and then studied philosophy and law at the University of Vienna and the University of Budapest . Finally he studied theology with Archimandrite Jovan Rajić in Syrmisch-Karlowitz.

In 1784 Stratimirović entered a monastery of the Serbian Orthodox Church as a monk . In 1786 he became bishop of Werschetz and soon bishop of the Buda eparchy .

Karlowitz High School

In 1790 Stratimirović was elected as the successor of Mojsije Putnik to the Metropolitan of Syrmisch-Karlowitz at the Council in Timisoara . He founded the Karlowitz grammar school in 1792 (with the support of the businessman Dimitrije Anastasijević Szabov (1726–1803)), the Karlowitz theology school in 1794, the Blagodejanije foundation in 1797 , which became known as Stefaneum, and in 1810 the Neusatz grammar school. He enlarged the metropolitan library and promoted science and literature . He awarded scholarships to promising students, such as the later physicist Atanasije Stojković . He increased discipline in the clergy . To preserve Orthodoxy , he opposed the language reforms Dositej Obradovićs , Sava Mrkaljs and Vuk Stefanović Karadžićs .

As a church leader, Stratimirović supported the First Serbian Uprising under Karađorđes leadership. He helped in the secret supply of the insurgents with ammunition and gunpowder from Prussia . In 1804 he sent a memorandum to the Russian Emperor Alexander I with the plan to re-establish the Serbian Empire as a Russian protectorate. In 1807 he helped to suppress the Tican uprising of the Serbian peasants in Syrmia .

Stratimirović wrote many historical , religious and literary works in Latin , German and Serbian , only two of which were printed during his lifetime. Further works appeared after his death. His successor as Metropolitan of Syrmisch-Karlowitz was Stefan Stanković .

Web links

Commons : Stefan Stratimirović  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Народна енциклопедија Срба, Хрвата и Словенаца . Ст. Станојевић, Zagreb 1929.
  2. Мирјана Д Стефановић: Лексикон српског просветитељства . Службени Гласник, 2009, ISBN 978-86-519-0203-4 , p. 237 .
  3. a b c Rodoljubivi arhijerej: Stevan Stratimirović (accessed on October 3, 2017).
  4. Nikola Radojčić: Историјске студије митрополита Стефана Стратимировића . In: Гласник Историског друштва у Новом Саду . 1929, p. 317-364 .
  5. Петар И Поповић: Француско-српски односи за време првог устанка: Наполеон и Карађорђе . Издање потпомогнуто је из на Задужбине Луке Ћеловића-Требињца, 1933, p. 10 .