Atanasije Stojković

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Atanasije Stojković ( Pavel Đurković )

Atanasije Stojković ( Russian Афанасий Стойкович ; born September 20 . Jul / 1. October  1773 greg. In Ruma , † June 2 jul. / 14. June  1832 greg. In Kharkov ) was a Serbian - Russian physicist and university teacher .


Stojković attended the Latin school in Ruma, which trained for the teaching profession. He continued his education in Ödenburg and Szeged . This was followed by a law degree at the University of Budapest , which he graduated as primus inter eminentes . He then studied science at the University of Göttingen from 1797 to 1799 . In 1799 he was supported by the University of Tubingen to Dr. phil. PhD . His training with the goal of becoming a priest was from the Metropolitan of Sremski Karlovci Stefan Stratimirović, Head of the Serbian Orthodox Church . However, under the influence of Dositej Obradović , Stojković decided to continue his scientific career and devote himself to natural science.

The Austrian government offered Stojković to head a new ministry. However, since he did not want to become Catholic as an Orthodox , he accepted the invitation of the curator of the Kharkov Science Region, Count Severyn Osipowitsch Potocki (brother of the historian and diplomat Jan Potocki ) to come to Kharkov in 1799. Together with Vasily Nasarowitsch Karasin, Stojković helped organize the Imperial University of Kharkov, which opened in 1804 . In particular, he founded the physical cabinet, which he then headed. He gave lectures on theoretical and experimental physics , meteorology and astronomy . In exercises he showed experiments and explained the didactic poems De rerum natura by Lucretius and Georgica by Virgil . With his three-volume work Fisika , the first physics textbook in the Serbian language (1801-1804), he became very well known. 1806-1807 he also taught agriculture and housekeeping. Because of his acquaintance with Pierre Charles Lemonnier and his son-in-law Joseph-Louis Lagrange , meteorid research became Stojković's main focus.

1805 Stojković was dean of the physical- mathematical department of the philosophical faculty of the University of Kharkov (until 1809). In 1808 he became rector (with a one-year term) and then vice rector when Ivan Stepanowitsch Rischski became rector again. In 1809 Stojković became a corresponding member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences . After Rischski's death in 1811, Stojković took over the management of the university. After his application to the Minister of Public Education for an extension of the term of office, he has now been elected Rector with a three-year term of office. Together with Christoph Rommel he founded the Society of Sciences with the departments of natural sciences (physics, chemistry , mathematics, medicine ) and humanities ( aesthetics , philosophy, archeology , ancient and modern history ).

In 1813 Stojković was dismissed from the university because of illegal trade operations. Apparently it was reported that in addition to physical devices for the university, he had also imported wine from Hungary for colleagues and friends. In 1815 he requested a review of the matter, which was refused. He went to St. Petersburg and was professor of geology from 1821 to 1829 . He was in contact with Ami Boué , Gérard Paul Deshayes and Jules Desnoyers . Before Charles Lyell, he promoted the study of geological forces to understand the past. In 1824 he translated the New Testament into modern Serbian , which was then published by the Russian Bible Society in St. Petersburg. The first book of Matica srpska was given to her by Stojković. In 1826 he became a member of the new committee for the review of textbooks. In 1828 he became a real member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences at the suggestion of Alexander Schischkows . In 1829 he became a civil servant for special tasks in the economic department of the Department of State Economy and Public Buildings of the Ministry of the Interior.

Stojković was a member of the Free Economic Society (since 1809), the Moscow University and its Society for Medical and Physical Sciences (since 1814) and the Imperial Moscow Agricultural Society (since 1827) as well as the Society of Sciences in Göttingen , the Royal Bohemian Society of Sciences in Prague and the Natural Research Society in Jena . He was a Freemason and attended the Pontos Euxeinos Lodge in Odessa .

In the Krasnoyarsk region , where the Tunguska event took place, a mountain bears Stojković's name.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Atanasije Stojković - Naučnik i književnik, pisac prve fizike na srpskom jeziku (accessed on September 30, 2017).
  2. ^ Lunt, Horace G .: Harvard Slavic Studies . Harvard University Press, 1970, ISBN 978-0-674-37804-9 , pp. 79 .
  3. a b Харківський національний університет імені В. Н. Каразіна: Стойкович Афанасій Іванович (accessed September 30, 2017).
  4. НАДЕЖДА ПЕЈОВИЋ, ЖАРКО МИЈАЈЛОВИЋ: K ЊИГЕ АТАНАСИЈА СТОЈКОВИЋА У ВИРТУЕЛНОЈ БИБЛИОТЕЦИ МАТЕМАТИЧКОГ ФАКУЛТЕТА . In: Развој астрономије код Срба VII, Београд, 18–22. април 2012 . 2014, p. 541–552 ( [PDF; accessed September 30, 2017]).
  5. Atanasije Stojković: Novyi zavi ͡ e t Gospoda nashego Īisusa Khrista . Tip. K. Taukhnit͡s︡a, 1834.