Stefan birds

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Stefan Vögel (* 1969 in Bludenz ) is an Austrian playwright and cabaret artist .


After studying business informatics at the University of Zurich , he turned to the theater . He has been working as a writer and actor since 1993 . He celebrated his first successes with his cabaret piece Grüß Gott in Voradelberg , written in dialect , which was published as a book and in several sequels became a successful Vorarlberg stage play . His play Schaffa, schaffa Hüsle baua saw over 120 performances .

His comedy Arthur & Claire was in 2017 by Miguel Alexandre with Josef Hader as Arthur and Hannah Hoekstra as Claire filmed .

Works (selection)

Pieces that have been performed in Stuttgart , Munich , Vienna , Hamburg , Berlin , Frankfurt am Main , Dresden , Düsseldorf , Würzburg , Salzburg , Bregenz and Kortsch :

  • A Good Match (2002)
  • global player
  • Sweeter the Bells (2003)
  • The Sweetest Fruits (2004)
  • Ritter Ludwig / In old freshness
  • Everything for mom
  • Altweiberfrühling (based on the script of the film Die Herbstzeitlosen )
  • Attention German!
  • German at any price
  • Bella Donna (on October 5, 2012, the Low German Stage Neumünster performed the piece as a Low German premiere)
  • All except me
  • Two four sex
  • Arthur & Claire
  • Friendly match
  • In love, engaged, disappeared. One-wooman-review
  • Romy's Pool (2013)
  • Facebook's disease (2014)
  • The Kidney (2018)


The world wrote: It really does exist! The young, German-speaking comedy writer who has mastered all dramaturgical, psychological and comedic rules. We have now met him at the Ohnsorg Theater : Stefan Vögel (...) is an ace in pointed dialogue without cheap jokes. "Een gode Partie" is the name of his work, which is made from wit and wisdom.


  • 2005: (together with its partners) business plan competition of the Principality of Liechtenstein
  • 2005: Dramatist Prize of the Literar-Mechana Vienna
  • 2014: Monica Bleibtreu Prize (with Attention German in a production by the Contra Kreis Theater Bonn)

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Flyer from Sessler Verlag (PDF; 50 kB).
  2. Press comments on the pieces by Stefan Vögel in the Vorarlberger Nachrichten reader service (PDF; 104 KB)