Susan Stahnke

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Susan Stahnke (born September 7, 1967 in Hameln ) is a German television presenter and actress .


Susan Stahnke first became a TV presenter at Norddeutscher Rundfunk . In 1992 she became the spokeswoman for the ARD news program Tagesschau , from September 1, 1994 also for the 8 pm edition and remained so until November 29, 1998. After criticism for the publication of erotic photos in the Gala magazine , she left ARD in January 1999 , among other things to try a career as an actress.

First, from 1999 to 2000, she moderated the Newsmaker magazine on Sat.1 . She was also seen in an episode of the children and youth series fabrixx as well as in the series Balko , Alarm für Cobra 11 , Hinter Gittern and Alpha Team . She also played other minor US roles, such as a hotel manager in 2001 on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit . In 2002 she advertised the importance of cancer prevention with a reflection of her colon recorded for television and was awarded the Felix Burda Award (communication prize) for this.

She also made a name for itself in 2003 with semi-nude recordings in Playboy and two victories in the RTL show The Great German Test . In the US thriller Detonator - Game Against Time (2003), she made a brief, silent appearance as a lawyer, in whose office a bomb exploded seconds after her appearance. An announced film role as Carin Göring was never realized. In 2004 she participated in the first season of the reality show I'm a Star - Get Me Out of Here! part.

Since 2007 she has hosted her own talk show on the regional broadcasters Hamburg 1 and TV Berlin, entitled Table Talk , in which she interviews prominent guests. In 2017 Stahnke had to file for personal bankruptcy.


In 2002 Susan Stahnke found out that she did not grow up with her biological father, but with a pseudo father . In 2003 she went to court unsuccessfully to find out her true origins from her mother. She also filed a lawsuit against the presumed father in order to have paternity established, but withdrew this lawsuit for lack of prospect of success. Susan Stahnke married the entrepreneur Thomas Gericke in 1999, and they have had a son since 2006.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Prize Winner 2003 ( Memento of the original from October 11, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Susan Stahnke's Hollywood dream is over: "Now is the end". In: Berliner Zeitung . April 15, 1999, accessed June 16, 2015 .
  3. table talk . Hamburg 1, accessed on May 6, 2020
  4. “Table Talk”: Susan Stahnke gets celebrity talk show. In: Spiegel Online . July 31, 2007, accessed June 16, 2015 .
  5. ^ Hamburger Abendblatt- Hamburg: Ex- "Tagesschau" spokeswoman Stahnke files for bankruptcy. November 2, 2017, accessed on January 29, 2020 (German).
  6. Kayhan Özgenc: Modern Life - A terribly nice family. In: Focus 41/2003. October 6, 2003, accessed June 16, 2015 .