Sven Knoll

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Sven Knoll on September 6, 2009 on the Brunner Mahder

Sven Knoll (born June 6, 1980 in Bozen ) is a South Tyrolean politician of the South Tyrolean freedom .


Knoll attended the elementary school "Johann Wolfgang von Goethe" in Bozen, the middle school in Schenna , and graduated from the humanistic high school "Beda Weber" in Meran . He then began studying human and dentistry at the Medical University of Innsbruck , which he did not graduate.

Knoll held his first political office as a councilor in his home town of Schenna. In the state elections in 2008 he received 6,641 preferential votes and was thus elected to the South Tyrolean state parliament for the first time and thus also to the regional council of Trentino-South Tyrol ; since then he has been the spokesman for the South Tyrolean Freedom Group. In the state elections in 2013 he was able to win another seat with 12,242 preferential votes. In the 2018 state elections , he achieved the same a third time with 9,118 preferential votes.

Knoll has been campaigning for dual citizenship for years . According to this, all South Tyroleans whose ancestors had Austrian citizenship up to 1920 should have the opportunity to receive Austrian citizenship alongside Italian citizenship .

Criticism and controversy

In 2008, shortly before the state elections, the magazine L'Espresso claimed that Sven Knoll had participated in an event in South Tyrol in which politicians from the right-wing extremist National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD) , who had already died, had taken part. In a report in the daily Corriere dell'Alto Adige on October 25, 2008, the then Chief Public Prosecutor Cuno Tarfusser confirmed that neither Sven Knoll nor other members of the “South Tyrolean Freedom” movement had anything to do with NPD members and NPD events. to have.

At the third general assembly of the South Tyrolean Freedom in 2009, Sven Knoll called the uncontrolled immigration of the foreign population in South Tyrol a threat to the self-determination of South Tyrol, which aroused criticism from the South Tyrolean Greens .

A publication on Andreas Hofer co-authored by Sven Knoll and published in 2009 in the “Eckartschriften” of the Österreichische Landsmannschaft was sharply criticized by the historian Hannes Obermair in 2014 because of its “ folkish ” use of language.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Results of preferential votes from the 2008 state elections on the website of the Province of South Tyrol, accessed on February 1, 2011
  2. An overview of the 35 new members of the state parliament. Südtirol Online (, October 28, 2013, archived from the original on October 31, 2013 ; accessed on October 31, 2013 .
  3. ↑ Preferred votes for South Tyrol as a whole. State elections 2018 (, accessed on November 1, 2018 .
  4. Dual citizenship: South Tyrolean Freedom collects 20,000 signatures ( memento from February 20, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) on the “Südtirol Online” (STOL) website, accessed on February 17, 2011
  5. Austria will follow up the concerns of the South Tyroleans after a red, white and red passport on the website of the Tiroler Tageszeitung, dated March 23, 2012
  7. Pura razza Sud Tirolo , L'Espresso of October 23, 2008
  8. Corriere dell'Alto Adige of October 25, 2008, page 5
  9. Double xenophobia: SF ed. Knoll stamps migrants as the 5th column of Italy from the press release of the South Tyrolean Greens on November 23, 2009
  10. Il Monumento, lo storico e il patriota. , July 27, 2014, accessed July 27, 2014 .
  11. ^ Reprint of the work by Josef Hirn: Die Kriegshetze der Reichsitalienischen Presse , o. O. 1915. Digitized on