Synagogue (Schweich)

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Synagogue in Schweich

The synagogue in Schweich , a town in the Trier-Saarburg district in Rhineland-Palatinate , was inaugurated in 1852. The listed building is located behind the building at Richtstraße 42.


The Jewish community in Schweich initially had a prayer room in the 18th century. In 1820 a synagogue is mentioned at Richtstrasse / corner of Bahnhofstrasse , the year of which is unknown.

Since the Jewish community in Schweich was also responsible for the Jews living in the Schweich area in the middle of the 19th century , the old synagogue no longer offered sufficient space. In 1851/52 a new synagogue was built with the help of donations, which was inaugurated in 1852.

During the November pogrom in 1938 the synagogue was demolished, the windows and the interior furnishings were smashed. During the Second World War the synagogue was used as a prisoner of war camp.

In 1951 the synagogue became the property of the Raiffeisenbank Schweich, which used the building as a warehouse until 1984.

The city of Schweich acquired the former synagogue in 1984 and had it completely renovated from 1987 to 1989. On September 3, 1989, the building was handed over to its intended use as a cultural and conference center.


The synagogue in Schweich is a rectangular building made of local red sandstone 17.6 m long and 9.4 m wide, which is located in the rear part of the property. The neo-Romanesque portal page in the West with pilasters and a rising arched frieze decorated. The arched portal and the coupled arched window above are surrounded by a blind niche. Round-arched window windows with circular skylights are set in to the side. There are four high arched windows on each side of the eaves . The east side is divided in the middle by a round window and an arched window on each side.

A staircase leads from the vestibule to the women's gallery . There are two Hebrew inscriptions above the entrance door to the prayer room : How lovely are your homes, Lord of hosts ( Psalm 84 : 2) and blessed be he who comes in the name of the Lord! We bless you who are of the house of the Lord (Psalm 118:26).

See also


Web links

Commons : Synagoge (Schweich)  - Collection of images

Coordinates: 49 ° 49 '24.02 "  N , 6 ° 45' 10.19"  E