Tatiana Archipovna Taran

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Tatjana Archipowna Taran ( Russian Татьяна Архиповна Таран , Ukrainian Тетяна Архипівна Таран Tetjana Archypiwna Taran ; * 4. December 1946 in Alexandrovsk-Sakhalinsky ; † 17th May 2007 in Kiev ) was a Soviet - Ukrainian mathematician , computer scientist and university lecturer .


Taran, the daughter of a military man, soon came to Sevastopol with the family . She graduated from school in 1964 with a gold medal. She then studied at the Sevastopol Institute for Apparatus Engineering, specializing in mathematical computing apparatus. In 1969 she graduated with honors as an engineer- mathematician.

After graduation, Taran went to Kiev and worked at the Institute for High Strength Materials and the Institute for Automatics .

In 1971 Taran became an aspirant at the Kiev Polytechnic Institute (KPI) . After completing her apprenticeship in 1973, she became an assistant and professor at the chair for applied mathematics . In 1978 she successfully defended her dissertation on the development of algorithms for controllers in power supply systems for her doctorate as a candidate in technical sciences.

At the Conference for Artificial Intelligence 1994 (KII-94) in Rybinsk , Taran became a member of the Russian Association for Artificial Intelligence (RAII) and was soon one of the leading experts in Artificial Intelligence. In 1998 the cyberneticist Dmitri Alexandrowitsch Pospelow examined Taran's doctoral dissertation on logical methods and models to support problem solving in conflict situations, which she successfully defended in 1999 for her doctorate in technical sciences. From 2001 she organized and directed the first Ukrainian-Russian and from 2005 international seminar on intelligent analysis of information at the KPI, which now bears her name. Your discrete mathematics textbook influenced generations of students.

Taran's research areas included multi- agent systems , cognitive situation analysis , mathematical psychology and learning systems . In her most recent work, she described the application of artificial intelligence to social processes, working with psychologists , sociologists and conflict researchers . She was the author of 130 publications in Ukrainian , Russian and English . Despite her serious illness, she and DA Subov were able to complete the first textbook on the theory and applications of artificial intelligence in Russian, which was published in Luhansk in 2006 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Татьяна Архиповна Таран (accessed July 11, 2020).
  2. Таран Т. А .: Разработка и исследование алгоритмов централизованного контроля при автоматическом управлении режимом системы электроснабжения : Автореф. дис. на соиск. учен. степ. канд. техн. наук: (05.13.06) . Киев. политехн. ин-т им. 50-летия Великой Октябрьской соц. революции, Kiev 1978.
  3. Таран Т. А .: Логические методы и модели поддержки принятия решений в конфликтных ситуациях: Автореф. дис. на соиск. учен. степ. д.т.н. : Спец. 05.13.17 . Таран Татьяна Архиповна; Ин-т програм. систем РАН, Pereslavl-Zalessky 1998.
  4. Таран Т. А .: Основы дискретной математики . Просвіта, Kiev 2003.
  5. KPI: Татьяна Архиповна Таран (accessed on July 11, 2020).
  6. Кузнецов О. П .: О вкладе Т.А.Таран в развитие искусственного интеллекта . In: ИСКУССТВЕННЫЙИНТЕЛЛЕКТИПРИНЯТИЕРЕШЕНИЙ . No. 2 , 2008, p. 46–66 ( [1] [PDF; accessed July 11, 2020]).
  7. Таран Т.А., Зубов Д.А .: Искусственный интеллект. Теория и приложения . Восточноукр. нац. ун-т им. В. Даля, Lugansk 2006, ISBN 966-590-591-0 .