Crime scene: the yellow petticoat

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Episode of the series Tatort
Original title The yellow petticoat
Country of production Germany
original language German
length 102 minutes
classification Episode 109 ( List )
First broadcast February 10, 1980 on German television
Director Kristian Kühn
script Kristian Kühn
production Gig Malzacher ,
Werner Rollauer
camera Atze Glanert ,
Detlef Niedballa
cut Bernd Lorbiecki

The yellow petticoat is an episode of the ARD crime series Tatort . The episode produced by Südwestfunk (SWF) was broadcast as the 109th Tatort episode on February 10, 1980 on ARD. It is the third and last case with Commissioner Buchmüller.

Plot overview

Harry Wagner is a clothing fetishist and mentally disturbed. A phone call prompts him to go to the Klefisch family home. He overpowers the daughter of the house, Marianne, who is home alone. When her father comes back to the apartment, Harry wants to calm down his victim and therefore presses a pillow in her face. Marianne lies lifeless in bed and Harry escapes. Her father finds her dead shortly afterwards and alerts the police.

When looking for the culprit, Commissioner Buchmüller quickly comes across Harry Wagner. Marianne's father and her boyfriend are also looking for Harry, but he can disappear into the turmoil of the Mainz Carnival .

The police manage to establish connections between Harry Wagner and his ex-girlfriend Molly Friedler, who was very good friends with Marianne Klefisch. Tape recordings show that she gave Harry the order to visit Marianne. Both women worked in a pharmacy and are involved in drug deals; Molly wanted to get Marianne out of the way. Since she didn't want to rely on Harry, she helped and assigned her friend Dorian Specht with the murder.


Mainz, early on Friday morning: Harry Wagner, a young man, is dancing in his room in a yellow petticoat when he receives a call, but nobody answers. He's acting strangely and talking to himself. An encrypted message is sent to him on the radio that he should think about "the appointment". Harry babbles that he always has to think about someone, but today he finally has the courage. Harry still lives with his mother, even though he is of legal age. She suspects that something is wrong with her son. Harry meets with Hermann, his cousin, who hands him a black petticoat and sends the message that the color black is an order. Harry then drives to the Klefisch family's apartment, where Marianne, the daughter of the house, is at home alone. A stranger enters the Klefisch family's apartment before Harry. He rings the doorbell for Marianne Klefisch, who opens the door for him and gains entry to the apartment on the pretext of wanting to deliver wine. He brings Marianne under his control and says that she called him after all. He says he doesn't want to kill her, he just wants to see her and be friends with her. She offers him money to leave again. He calls her "Molly" and says that is her name to him. He forces Marianne to go to her room with him, Harry behaves very strangely and keeps Marianne in his power all morning. She calls him a pervert, he begs her to be friends. When noises can be heard in the apartment and Marianne suggests that her father is coming home, Harry presses a pillow on Marianne's face until she stops moving. A man comes into the room and says that he killed Marianne. Harry packs up his things and flees. In the stairwell he walks past Mr. Klefisch.

Mr. Klefisch finds his daughter dead, while the other man sneaks out of the apartment. Buchmüller and her colleagues appear at the scene, they can find out that there was a fight. She suffocated, but must also have been strangled before she died. In addition, the investigators find a link from a necklace that the perpetrator must have lost in the fight. He wasn't wearing gloves, but he smeared his fingerprints with a handkerchief. In his grief, Mr. Klefisch expresses feelings of revenge against the as yet unknown perpetrator. Mr. Klefisch cannot say much, he simply says that the chain whose link was found cannot belong to anyone in the family. Ms. Klefisch comes home and testifies that her daughter worked in a pharmacy and was often late for work. Mr Klefisch says that his daughter's friend, the unemployed photographer Tommy Schmitz, dragged his daughter into bad circles. He also now remembers that he had met a person on the stairwell when he came home to find his daughter dead. He would recognize the man straight away. He also heard footsteps in the apartment, but think he was wrong because the perpetrator walked past him in the stairwell. However, a review of the suspect files does not reveal anything. Buchmüller then visits the pharmacist who Marianne worked for. He says that several times large amounts of opiates and other intoxicating drugs have disappeared from the poison cabinet since Marianne worked for him. As a trainee, she was his only employee and she also had access to the key to the poison cabinet, so that the pharmacist can only suspect her. He hadn't filed a complaint because he had no evidence. The pharmacist also reports that he dismissed Marianne's predecessor, Molly Fiedler, because of an identical suspicion. The two worked together for a while, but the pharmacist doesn't know whether they were friends too.

Buchmüller and her assistant Lamm go to Molly, but they don't find her. She works as a fortune teller now. You are surprised that the door is open, but leave again. You will find an envelope for Molly with photos inside. Meanwhile, Harry comes up with the idea of ​​placing an ad that he is looking for a student to take care of a six-year-old girl four times a week. Buchmüller now learns from Marianne's mother that Molly Fiedler was Marianne's best friend. Meanwhile, Lamm goes through potential suspects and finds Harry Wagner, who has a criminal record for sexual assault and kidnapping a hitchhiker. He was also briefly engaged to Molly Fiedler. Buchmüller goes to the photo shop that left the envelope with Molly and asks for a copy of one of the photos to be returned. Tommy Schmitz, the friend of the murdered daughter, is visiting the Klefischs. Mr. Klefisch tells him that the police have no trace, but that they also showed him the photo of Harry in the suspect files. Klefisch recognized him but didn't tell the police. Schmitz announces that he will get a gun and asks Klefisch to help him practice vigilante justice on Harry Wagner. Meanwhile, Buchmüller interrogates Herrmann, who says that Harry Wagner had been at the employment office all morning. Hermann's father Theo, Harry's former guardian, is present at the interrogation. He doesn't think much of Harry. Hermann reports to Buchmüller that Molly Fiedler was engaged to Harry after her time in the pharmacy and had nothing more to do with drug offenses. He doesn't know Marianne, he hasn't seen Molly since the engagement between Harry and her had been broken off. In the meantime, Lamm reports to Buchmüller that Mr. Klefisch identified Harry in the photo from the file, but Mrs. Klefisch had her husband back off.

Buchmüller's assistant Mewes seeks out Harry to arrest him on suspicion of murder. The clerk of the employment office says that Harry was with her around twelve o'clock, but Harry claims to have already been in the office all morning and also earlier in the office, which unsettles the witness so that she does not want to commit . During the autopsy of Marianne an amulet with a zodiac sign was found in her stomach, the officials suspect that there must have been a fight between her and the murderer and that she swallowed the amulet. Since Harry has a different zodiac sign and the suspicion against him is no longer confirmed, Buchmüller lets him go. At the weekend Buchmüller received a call from Lamm that new tracks had been found. Shortly afterwards Mrs. Klefisch reported to Buchmüller that when Harry walked past Mr. Klefisch in the stairwell, he was wearing Marianne's yellow underskirt, which Mrs. Klefisch had given to Harry's mother because of the upcoming barrel night. Mr. Klefisch announced by telephone that he wanted to practice vigilante justice on Harry, Buchmüller admonished him in vain. Buchmüller and Lamm visit Harry's mother, but their son is not at home. Harry's mother tells of her son's perverse tendencies towards women. Meanwhile, Harry is driving his car and is chasing a woman. He manages to get the young woman to go with him. When an officer sees him with the girl, he tries to arrest Harry, but Harry tricks the officer and escapes with the young woman. Harry's mother reports that he will ride on a carnival float tomorrow, Rose Monday . The police put out a wanted man. Buchmüller and her colleagues visit Harry's carnival club, where they find out that he is a member, but has not appeared there for ages.

In the meantime, Mr Klefisch and Tommy Schmitz go to the carnival in disguise to confront and judge Harry Wagner. Mrs. Klefisch tries in vain to stop her husband. She immediately informed Buchmüller, who took the opportunity to ask who was interested in Marianne's petticoats. Frau Klefisch tells her that Molly Fiedler wanted Marianne to wear a black petticoat. Buchmüller asks if she knows someone with the zodiac sign Leo, the amulet in Marianne's stomach, but Mrs. Klefisch can't think of anyone. Buchmüller organizes extensive police units at the carnival parade to prevent Klefisch's vigilante justice and would like to take a closer look at Molly Fiedler. She also interrogates Hermann again, who admits that Harry was not with him at the employment office at the time of the crime. He admits that Molly Fiedler gave him Marianne's black petticoat so that he could pass it on to Harry. Harry wanted it badly, and he couldn't have known what Harry was doing with it. He goes on to say that Molly wanted to give Harry an assignment with the petticoat, but he doesn't know what that assignment is. Meanwhile, Tommy buys a revolver from Dorian Specht, an underworld great. Harry is meanwhile walking downtown with his new friend, hints at a murder and says he wants to cut her hair so that she looks more like someone he knows. She then realizes that she is dealing with a psychopath and wants to flee. As she calls for help and passers-by hurry up, Harry has to flee.

Buchmüller and a colleague from the drug squad view video material that was recorded while the scene was being shaded. She recognizes Marianne Klefisch in a girl who is filmed at a meeting with Dorian Specht. Buchmüller and her assistants then look around at Molly Fiedler, and Dorian Specht is also present. She claims that she didn't know Marianne well. Specht refuses to make any statement. When determining the personal details, Buchmüller notices that he is Leo from the zodiac sign, i.e. the zodiac sign that was found on the amulet in Marianne's body. Buchmüller suggests to Molly that she thinks Harry is the murderer and that she must help him find him before Klefisch and Tommy Schmitz shoot him. Klefisch and Schmitz roam the carnival parade in search of Harry, finally they find him and shoot him. Since they are both dressed as cowboys, bystanders mistake the attempted murder for a joke with a toy gun. By a drunk who grabs Schmitz in the arm, the shot misses Harry and he can flee, Klefisch and Schmitz pursue him. Buchmüller wants to pose the two, but loses them in the turmoil of the carnival. Harry can escape the police too. Buchmüller's friend tells her that he knows Dorian Specht, so she comes up with the idea of ​​using him as a decoy for Specht and sends him off to buy drugs from Specht. The next morning, she called a lip reader to the Presidium to find out what Marianne Klefisch had discussed with Specht in the drug department's video. Marianne said that she wanted to "get in", Specht had refused. She then threatened the police that he told her that she was annoying him. She felt abused as a henchman.

Buchmüller's team discovers Harry's newspaper ad, they want to watch him at the newspaper when he picks up the answers there. Meanwhile, Harry, who wears Marianne's yellow petticoat in the carnival, is asked by an unknown drunk in a clown costume to swap the costumes, Harry agrees. They are noticed by Klefisch and Schmitz after they have swapped the costumes, so Klefisch shoots the drunk instead of Harry but misses him. Buchmüller meanwhile goes through the radio news from the day of the murder and comes across the puzzling message that a "Harry" should think of an appointment, the message came from an "M." Then a song is played by a "Miss Molly". Buchmüller then recognizes the encryption of the message. Buchmüller's friend goes to see her and shows her the drugs that Specht has bought. Buchmüller was able to arrest Klefisch and Schmitz the next day. At the same time, officers find tape recordings in Molly's apartment that prove that she gave Harry the order to go to Marianne's apartment. They also find a key for the Klefisch's apartment in Molly's apartment, which had disappeared from the Klefisch's, and the Klefisch's cable with which Marianne was strangled. If the newspaper accepts the advertisement, the officials can also arrest Harry. Molly also wants to accuse him of the murder he did not commit. Buchmüller confronts Molly that she was doing drug deals with Marianne until she met Dorian. Molly had to get Marianne out of the way because she wanted to get involved in the business. That's why she hooked Harry up because he was sexually abnormal. She leaked fetishes to him and he actually went to Marianne, but since they couldn't be sure that Harry was actually killing Marianne, they had to help, so Dorian Specht went into the apartment and killed Marianne after Harry left the apartment had fled. Buchmüller therefore has Molly and Specht arrested for the time being.


Audience rating

The episode reached 14.12 million viewers when it was first broadcast in 1980, corresponding to a market share of 43.0 percent.


On the fans rated The Yellow Underskirt as the fourth worst episode so far.

Ulf Mauder assessed the film for on the occasion of its first repetition in January 2016 as follows: “The rather confused events with crude dialogues and long shots put the audience, who are now used to fast narration, to a test of patience. The script, for which the little-known Kristian Kühn is responsible, and its direction leave you wondering and shaking your head. No trace of Mainz, the way it sings and laughs, instead pale colors, a drama almost in black and white. "


The yellow petticoat was one of the so-called " poison closet consequences ". These are episodes that are blocked by a sender's internal block and are not allowed to be broadcast until further notice. Those in charge of the Südwestfunk found that the film had considerable qualitative deficiencies in the script and implementation and that at this crime scene violent fantasies against women and girls are all too clearly portrayed. In addition, after the first broadcast, numerous viewers were annoyed by the gloomy representation of the carnival .

On January 16, 2016, shortly before the start of the carnival, the SWR repeated the episode for the first time in almost 36 years.

In the following, the term “Mainz Carnival” is mistakenly spoken of, which is actually called the Mainz Carnival .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The yellow petticoat: dates. In: Retrieved September 23, 2014 .
  2. Overall ranking at the current time. In: Retrieved April 13, 2020 .
  3. a b Ulf Mauder: "The yellow underskirt" on SWR: "Tatort" comes on television after 35 years. In: January 16, 2016, accessed January 17, 2016 .
  4. ↑ Poison cabinet series at, accessed on September 23, 2014
  5. Westfälische Nachrichten : SWR broadcasts “Tatort” rarity , media / news, dpa , January 16, 2016
  6. ^ Johanna Bruckner: SWR: crime scene from the poison cabinet. In: January 16, 2016, accessed October 23, 2016 .
  7. The return of the "yellow petticoat". In: January 14, 2016, accessed January 7, 2016 .